
Karine's eyes had gone wide with fear and she thrashed harder again, desperate to pull that foreign object out. the fenceposts creaked and she'd rubbed her wrists raw against the belt keeping her tied.

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"A Little Experiment" - Story by Kaz

The searing, burning pain spread from his groin up his spine, making his body shudder as the large foreign object penetrated him so unnaturally, until he felt his testicle cupped by the curved end.

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Sister, Lover, Servant, Slave

I swear to _ **help you practice your wrestling-moves whenever you need me to, no matter what pins or foreign object attacks you need to try out** _."

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Dragon's Got Back (part 2)

Immediately shuddering at the foreign object that was inserted into his sensitive hole, spike arched his back and moaned loudly.

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Kato: Freelance Incubator

Kato tried to resist, but could only whine helplessly as the tentacle widened slightly, opening his vaginal entrance to the foreign object, which now began to slide through the green tube and into his vaginal canal.

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The Fetish Plant - Chapter 01

Her paw reached down and felt the foreign object stroking it, feeling it. her clouded mind reached down to cup tom's sacs, before moving back up to the tip, placing it at her folds.

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Jewel of Eden - Pt. 2 - Argument

She felt herself widen as the foreign object invaded, warming her slightly. her arms reached around his back and tightened. her legs hooked around his waist, encouraging him to continue and not wanting to let go.

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Mama Bear - Part 1

He tries to push his thighs together, but the restraints keep them spread wide, and his eyes tear up as an even larger foreign object is slowly pressed to the tight pucker of his ass.

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The polar bear breathed through his nose, the salty taste of the foreign objects still filled his maw.

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Mewtwo's eyes went wide as the foreign object entered his body. he flexed and wrestled against the straps, god it hurt. however, he noticed the further it went in the less it hurt. professor birch began to move the dildo in and out of his charge.

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1:10 A Dance With The Devil

Alias's eyes darted down to the foreign object that laid on top of his paw, as it flinched involuntarily. " saved my life." her eyes met his again, and they seemed to relay more thanks than any words could ever do.

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The Beginning: Part 4

He grabbed whatever this foreign object was and examined it, it seemed to have once been something with small wings. "gross..." theodore continued examining the goop on his fingers. "it looks like i flew though a swarm of bugs."

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