Walk a Mile: Coverts Ops: Hyper Stripes

Tossed from foster home to foster home and state institution to state institution kriegan had never really owned more than she could pack into a pair of suitcases.

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Little Sister: Chapter 5, New Life, New Love

"since my parents lost custody i've been able to keep her in my apartment but if i can't win custody she's going to a foster home." "oh my, i didn't know. i'm so sorry."

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Khloe & Azzy - III. Origins

You know how close i was to putting you in a foster home?" "foster... home? r-really?" azzy's eyes widen, his tone as if in disbelief. "hey, i didn't, did i?" khloe jiggles his belly.

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Shane and Jack's snowy vacation pt.1

Although she did truly love jason for who he was, she viewed him as her savior from being sent to live in a foster home.

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Answers- when razor said the home, he meant the foster home he was at, hence the reason he hanged out at jacob's alot, he hated the home. jacob is 18, and a jr in high school, he started school late hence his age.

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Lost in the world: Ch 2

The two entered the elevator with one bag of clothes each, one filled with luceil's clothes because she traveled often, and the other slayne's clothes luceil had retrieved from the former foster home the night before.

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Russian It? Chapter 13

I was too old for a foster home, and i had no friends to crash with. my life was a miserable wreck. without a job, i couldn't pay for an apartment. or could i? i walked as quickly as i could to the nearest apartment complex.

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Ethan and Duke: Chapter 1, First Taste?

Ethan is from russia his family moved over when he was very young...his mother gave him up to a foster home...there the family abused him and used him for magic, using him as their little play thing...very sexually abused him with the magic as well.

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My Faith... My Life... My Love...

It was like a part of the foster home never left him, even after the years of being adopted. sage knew some how... that he missed the place.

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Why we're so different...

Jake had even taken a roofing job so he could learn how to repair the damaged roof at the foster home. regardless if things continued with the economy the fate of the foster home was going to get very hard.

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Nine: A Father's Promise

He had been taken away from his parents and given to a foster home. he was in the foster system until he turned eighteen." laura took a breath and adjusted the diaper on kilmor, making sure it was snug but not tight. "i met him in college.

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Unexpected Call

"foster home... or care home, or whatever. they're looking for me. i guess they don't like me being out so much, or they're just worried, or whatever." "you should go ease their worries."

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