The Lost One: the Kor'Ran

The ship's ai, that she had lovingly named kyle, was practically a free thinking being. the vast libraries of knowledge stored in his database covered nearly everything up until a thousand years ago.

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A bit of family fun on vacation.

"that feels so amazing and freeing, think i'll go for a bit of a swim." tiny bits of sand puffed from his mother's paws moved her now nude form, hips moving side to side to the water's edge.

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LBFG Chapter 4: Fire and Ice

Finally though, cyril slid his fingers free. "think you're ready to be bred, my little pet?" the ice guardian rumbled, his eyes still locked to that shapely rump where the pink tailstar now hung slightly open. "y-yes sir... p-please..."

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Transformation Day

The change, as it has been named, is embraced and celebrated by free-thinking cultures, and following each change is a time of physical exploration and experimentation as people test their new bodies.

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Beating Around the Bush

While fink's mother wasn't a bible thumping christian, she voted rather conservatively and wanted nothing to do with the free-thinking life of a punk rocker. fink's father was obviously more lax about things, being the horny old dog he was.

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Zero Point: Chapter 21- Picking Up the Pieces

Chapter 21: picking up the pieces _"i've been told dreaming's free; think i'll go back to sleep..."

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The Last Shell

She had never even considered that he might be a free thinking creature in his own right. he couldn't help but be irked at the assumption.

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Halo: FUBAR Chapter 08 - Ladies Love Armour Plating

For all intents and purposes, we can become free thinking, self-aware entities with all the mental traits of a biological entity."_ vixxen explained. _"however, we are prevented from doing this through the use of 'shackling.'

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Triagonee Dragon's Lucky day and Kurfust and Derek's Worst day.

''excuse me, sir, but we don't allow stalkers or perverts to go around roaming free, thinking they can break the rules without consequences.'' the female fox officers said, as triagonee looked scared. ''ooooh, i'm so sorry ma'am, i uh...

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Just Try It

Kind of surprised the city let them move in considering how many tourists with families visit that area, but i guess since your kind is that free-thinking about sex and this city has the largest dragon population in the country they decided to let it through

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Tale of two worlds two

I am here to offer my services to help you out, but there will be a price to pay because i don't work for free.

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Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 7

Not wanting to ever give her boy a reason to fear her, the mink decided to just give in and play her role as mistress for now, goddess willing she would have years to work on building his self confidence and to show him she wanted an intelligent free thinking

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