The best Birthday Present — Chapter 5 — Happy Birthday ( Reforged )

Tags: m/f, first time, virgin, vaporeon, story series, knot, straight, the best birthday present -- chapter 5 -- happy birthday ( reforged ) the concert ended hours later and right afterwards kadin and tashima walked back towards home. "viva la ....."

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Happy Birthday: The Tale of Two Skunk Sisters- Chapter 1

#2 of happy birthday: the tale of two skunk sisters happy birthday: the tale of two skunk sisters inspired by skoon's two skunk sister. these skunks in this here story are not his characters.

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Happy Birthday: The Tale of Two Skunk Sisters (Extreme Sisterly 'Fun')

happy birthday: the tale of two skunk sisters (heavily sexualized edition) happy birthday: the tale of two skunk sisters inspired by skoon's two skunk sister. these skunks in this here story are not his characters.

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Birthday: friends at solstice

"hey so happy birthday tj" kudzu texted. "feliz compleanos gatito!" leo phoned directly, "miss both of you babosos so much!" "love you bros!" carl voice had said before farting. "hm, happy birthday i guess" flynn had said.

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Double Birthday Surprises ch. 7

- (happy birthdays) "lisa! silver! wake up!!" lyoko pounced on us early the next morning. she then took a deep breath and started singing "happy birthday" at the top of her lungs...and very badly, i might add...


Birth part 4: Gift

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear toby, happy birthday to you!" there was much clapping and rejoicing, but mostly clapping.

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Family Life: Birthday Boys

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear andy, curt, and luke, happy birthday to you," we all sang. once we finished the three quickly blew out the flames and we all clapped.

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Duke's Birthday Treat

"happy birthday to you..." it was surprisingly dark when duke opened his eyes.

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Friends Like These Chapter 3 - The One With Aces Birthday

"happy birthday you old mutt" he said "thanks man coming to dinner tonight?" ace asked "sorry man i couldnt get someone to cover my shift and i need zella to help me into the booth anyways. sorry again."

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Birb Birthday

Sure, he got the few happy birthdays on his social media, a couple posts about him becoming a man, even a few family members messaged him a happy birthday.

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Gifts For Gideon

"happy birthday, gideon." surprised by the hug, gideon's eyes grew, but he hugged back. "thanks, judy." judy then let go of him. "you're welcome... now come on... i've got something to show you."

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Cake or Bun

'happy birthday, sugar.' looking about at his friends and wagging keenly against freaky's side, forest nodded, smiling. 'it really is, yeah.' --fin.

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