Vivian's New Pet, A Tale of Erotic Horror

That she required human sacrifices was of no concern to vivian, as long as she got what she wanted who cared? what the sacrifices might have felt as they were dragged down to hell was of no concern to her, none at all.

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The Price of Slavery

human sacrifice and consorting with demons! or something!" he drew some chuckles from the audience but not many; they weren't here for comedy. he strode to the wall and drew forth a feather, "shall we find the mark of the devil?

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A Curious Thing

The creature was a gateway for human sacrifice, using the consumed victims to power larger constructs. with the evidence burned to ash, there was no way for her to determine how many people it might have devoured, or who had summoned it.

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Debt Paid in Full, with Interest.

Most human sacrifices became sex and pleasure slaves, but krupp needed something different this time. something...special. with a grunt he started thrusting again, the man writhing and squirming as he lunged into him.

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The Beastmaker's War - SEA

Teaching something as inconceivably ancient as the leviathan that raping human sacrifices was just wrong would be an effort in futility. and so, this time, her submissive nature was a helpful tool rather than a hindrance.

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When Worlds Come Together

We were supposed to climb up those platforms and throw the human sacrifices into the mouths of the dragons. those dragons were testing us, seeing if we would really follow any order that they gave us.

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A Special Forgotten Place

Including; to my horror, human sacrifices. this guy had been as much of a monster as the things he summoned. then i had a sudden chilling thought and looked at my "lover". was she a demon?? it would certainly explain a lot of things.

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A Breath of Fresh Air

Now, there _are_ some rather unpleasant rituals your kind has devised, involving human sacrifice, and the consuming of certain organs, but i'm sure you'll agree my way is better than that?"

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The Guardian's Offerings

Where i am coming from, one takes human sacrifices, and that's the lesser of the evils. at least they die..." "get off of her." marcus laid his hand firmly on the shoulder of the man.

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Conquest of Fur

You won't be allowed to leave but you will be given food and human sacrifices. it is the only way you can live forever," isabella said. "interesting plan, but experience has taught me that i don't like to be in captivity," said tali.

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Hits You Like Sunlight

A horned beast such as a goat or bull counts, as does the blood from a human sacrifice. the only issue is the amount needed would surely kill the one giving it.

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The Bog

The altar suggested animal, or even human, sacrifices. while i had been inspecting the place i had the feeling i was being watched. i'd had the feeling before, but never this intensely.

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