The bullier who was Bullied and Fell in Love

blood coming up\* \*zekna gets drake to his room and begins patching him up, using a special liquid on the infected wound.\* if you had let me help, you wouldn't have such a bad time with the beatings... your not as tough as you make out... so stop acting

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Deep Magic Remake

Soon it glowed with a light blood red, and then without warning it exploded. stella screamed in shock, bracing herself, but she did not need to fear as the stone fragments hit an invisible shield and it the table._ _"better," master daniel said.

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From The Eyes of The Beast

Infront of him, with a lightly blood coated katanna in her hand, was yunalesca. her back was to him and he could see her shoulders trembling slightly, as if she were crying.

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Homonus Nocturna - Chapter 3 - Resisting the Change

When they reached the top of the stairs, melody headed down the corridor to her room, while blaine meanwhile, took a different route, instead heading to the kitchens, for a light blood snack before he called it a night.

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Commission: Light in the Darkness

However, they looked slick with blood, and not too far down he could see a body reacting to the light, blood coating its clothing as it reached towards him.

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Unconditional Love

He wrapped his handkerchief around his hand to stop the light bleeding and smiled. "i understand," he said handing her a box, "i think you'll feel better in these and a little less agitated if you try and relax."

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Chapter 18 - End of the line! The Duel between Men! (Part 4)

With all of her strength, she stabbed through the metal as she screamed with vengence pushing her, feeling a light blood splatter on her nose while bringing that blade up.

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A project gone wrong.

Nose lightly bleeding as he panted heavily just trying to recover from her brutal attack, making out apology after apology now as the dominant female began to cuff his hands behind his head to the bed.

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FR11: I know what you lost

The rhino pressed a paw to his chest and held it up - revealing he was still lightly bleeding. "more... salve." with a quick nod, sid scurried to gather the supplies from the medicine box.

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Wereness 9. The Transforamtion

You look straight ahead and swear you see light bleeding through what looks to be a curved orange organic wall. the lighting outlines subtle darker orange veins running through it.

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The Drahune Chronicles Prologue Episode Zero Point One To Be Hunted

Resting a large paw upon his still lightly bleeding chest she spoke again. "marked, mine now." she said simply as she rested upon the human. salem focused on the weredog's simple speech and realized what she meant. "you were an ordinary dog before."

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MoN - Ch. 7: A Refreshing Dip

Just to rub salt into the wounds, the salty water began to cause the lightly-bleeding rim of her tailhole sting even more. this was not what she had in mind when she wanted to mate with tommy, but she couldn't really blame him.

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