
"well, you're quite lovely yourself..." this went on for a bit. i kinda wanted to milk it. it was pretty thrilling, really, flirting with danger. well, i guess i was enjoying it a bit too much.

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Your Results Are In!

You're loving yourself, your new self, and that's just fine. it's more than fine, and you let out another yip as you rub a finger around your areola before teasing at your nipple at the same time.

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Every way she's made you worship her, and love her, and love yourself for loving her... puppy nuzzles against you before turning away, you faintly feel their wagging tail thwapping against your thigh as they rummage for... it doesn't matter.

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Flawed Affections: Chapter 3

Please send me a message so i can get to know you and do my best to make you feel loved yourself! i don't care if you have any sort of mental, emotional or physical scars afflicting you...

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Fine Tuning

You're rather lovely yourself." "this, i know all too well." emiko turned slowly, that smile never vanishing, beckoning her guest inside, "mmh but let's talk more inside, away from prying eyes."

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 97 - Reflect your life...

'after all, how can you fall in love with someone if you don't even love yourself for who you are...?' 'i know...' 'look ahead and know what you can accomplish... but you'll have to ask yourself what you need to do in order to get there...

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And they say there aren't any perks to loving yourself so much.

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A Nightmare

I wish you loved yourself. but that's how it went down. beginning and end." but he's wrong. and i know he's wrong. there's another scene still to come. "we could have been such good friends," i say. i mean it.

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Chapter VII: Earthbound

I going to be you, and every moment you love yourself and the world your around, is loving me." koji's mother said as she spoke to him through time and even through the video tape the shark could feel her love.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 15

The same god who's son said to love your neighbors as you love yourself?" the priest's breath became raspy, yet he still strung words together. "trickery won't work on me, boy.

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You should have realized that if you wouldn't love me as your perfect self, then i'll take away your ability to love yourself too."

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Yukiko's Ascension

"and then you left yourself grow weak, you let people trample over you, and you forgot how to love yourself. people don't respect you, because you don't respect yourself.

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