Invading Will Chapter 12

"i will personally attend. i'll take some guards and scouts with me. we will find what we can about the druids."

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Influencing Home Improvements

You two should personally attend my every need... can you guys agree with that?" "y-yes sir." both said, their stammer was so close together it made adam grin wildly.

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Accidental Insurgence (1/2)

As he continued to get led inside he saw that most of the upper level was occupied as well, though those in that area appeared to be personally attended to unlike the mass conversion happening below.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 29

I will be personally attending with my fleet, acting as captain. i will leave rhethah here to govern the throne in my absence." that's right, rhethah though, that's exactly -- wait, what did she say?! "me?"

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I wondered idly if i could get mohjir to oblige me; he _was_ my personal attendant, after all. not that i particularly wanted him touching me in my current state.

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Coiled Body, Ensnared Soul

"aye, a wise choice--and a true honour to be invited to personally attend her radiance!" another hooting chuckle, this time more wryly amused than brazen, punctuated the officer's declaration.

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Pietas: Ad Honorem

When he had been sent to serve severus as his personal attendant--eighteen at the time--the fox had been scared then too, but like now he saw little choice but to do as he'd been asked. _the steam is hot as the bath water slides into the basin.

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The Slave Prince: Part 2

I was given to khaldun when he turned 13, they said i was to be one of his personal attendants. you know dress him, feed him, clean him, wip... well, you get the idea. he was a spoiled fop, but he was my master and cruel owner, not to mention a prince...

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His stepsisters were vain, haughty vixens, one his age and one a year older, who felt they deserved the personal attendant their mother could not afford.

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Pony of the Apocalypse - New Brother Chapter XI

I kept stumbling but a big paw held me up; by the smell of it the bull, rocky, seemed to be my personal attendant. i sensed i was being led into a building now, the way the air closed in, and suddenly all the noises took on an echoing quality.

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Maid for Motherhood

Said one of the duke's personal attendants. "may i have your attention please, ladies and gentlemen? the duke wishes to say a few words."

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004 Balance and Power

He's snappily dressed, old-school style, what the simulation estimates he would be like if he lived here and now and was this person, attending this event.

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