Rescuer's Reward

The green on top of her parted his jaws, and gently grabbed hold of the red's neck, prodding and poking with his member, waiting until the green beneath them pulled back, then pushing forwards, sinking the tip of his own member inside at the same time as the

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Rocked by the Band, Chapter 1: Start of the Tour

His fingers danced along the strings of his guitar, giving them a last minute fondle before wiping down the red neck of the guitar again. it didn't need it, but it gave his twitching fingers something to do besides start playing.

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In the Warm, Dark Cave (chapter 2)

"red-neck, i want you to belong to me," kharjo continued earnestly, raising his voice over the hiss of the rushing wind. "and i to you. for as long as we both live. and in the grasslands to come."

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Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 7

Spyro didn't let him groan anymore, he used one claw to grasp red's neck and squeeze it into a tight grip, spyro's free claw hovering above red's face. "n-no! no!! you are not like this! you are not a murderer!"

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Experiment 86 Issue #1.n Test Run

"see, the one, hiro," widow maker, a man who looks like your typical red neck hunter with an assault sniper rifle among other things, answers back as he starts to fade into the shadows. "red furred lion guy.

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A New Beginning CHPT 4

He wore a nice black suit with a back collard shirt underneath, his pants were black and all of it was tied together with a crimson red neck tie. "i was just going to take her over to my parents place for a little visit today."

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He had time to pick a catsuit too, a crimson red neck to ankle with holes cut out for his cock and ass. in one had he had a cigar, and the other held a leash connected to a man in a rottweiler mask and rubber paws. "jamie!

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Pills, Part 6

She didn't particularly like the atmosphere at the diner, too many idiot, red-neck, white trash types hung around there for her liking, but it was right across the street from the university campus, and the food was somewhat decent, at least for your

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The Unique Appeal of Saurian Culture

As soon as shi finished hir sentence, shi hopped up to fake-tackle red's neck, digging claws into his thick scales and flipping hirself up so that shi was riding on his back.

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Isaac Williams Prologue

Isaac looked over the jackal, he was wearing a black suit and red neck tie. pausing briefly before walking up to the table and taking his seat across the three adults.

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Born Bad - Part 1

Dressed in khaki shorts, with short sleeve button up blue shirts and red neck ties, the boys were ready for church now. sean whined about how marv had put his tie on too tight and was quickly punched in the stomach by his older brother.

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Commission: A Long Revenge Coming

neck allowed those golden rings to drop down into that grey palm and the raptor to back off of her just too slow to stop those rings from being held in the grasp of her opponent.

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