Why Wolf?

This drove me to question my own status as being of the same species as those around me. and that i was bullied in school as a child only served to reinforce this. the only things around me i identified with were dogs.

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Lost from the Zoo Chapter 2

Justin leapt up off the sofa as he stared at the dates, checking the calendar on his cellphone hurriedly as his face went pale, a nervous chuckled escaping his throat, "but we aren't even the same species, so that can't happen, right?"

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Blending In - Part 2

On a world as primitive as this, it was good luck that they had been the same species; both painted dogs, an uncommon sight in imperial space. vega, the scout, had introduced her to her tribe and shown her how to blend in with the locals.

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Tales from English Class

Two characters of the same species may not be the best choice, but irl, my best furry friend is nicknamed "wolfie" and winters is based off of her. be friendly to anyone you know that is on the autistic spectrum.

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Chapter XXV: Brush and brunt

He stems from generations of same-species marriage and believes in 'genetic purity'. basically, that means he thinks people shouldn't have offspring with anyone outside their race."

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Memories (OLD STORY): New Beginning

They were not even the same species! "...yes. i am your mother." cynder said after a moment. better off letting him think you were his parent, since she didn't want him to be frightened and run off to find his mother and get killed. "mama, mama!"

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His Story part 2: Truth of Hate

Your other 'parents' were not the same species of dinosaur as you are. they adopted you probably because they felt sorry for you." chomper shook his head. this couldn't be real. it can't be real! it just can't! "no...no...no..."

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Final Teaser - August Rule 34 Story #2 Stranded but Not Alone

"nah, in my world everyone looks...well we're all the same species." "ah." garr nodded and returned to his work. "and somehow you ended up here?" "yeah.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 11)

B-besides, we're not even the same species!" the cluster of girls share unconvinced looks. "species-crossing is super trendy nowadays," poppy interjects nonchalantly. "half of the rabbits here only go for hares."

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Nest Mates

In fact, they weren't even the same species. heika and her parents were dragons, corrid was a gryphon. they had found him shortly after heika had broken out from her egg.

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A Matter of Love

He could imagine her pain, finding her love mating a creature not even of the same species as him, it would be horrible. "i just never thought of you in that way, fiala.

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 2

"like the different races of the homo sapiens species are the same species, even though they look different from each other, so the different races of the homo sapiens humanimalus species are the same species.

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