The Chamber Pt. 2

He understood that a secret plan like this had to stay low-profile and was not in need of a full-blown attack . . . but why a stripper? king darius said that his brother has always been very unorthodox.

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Dark Inheritance Part IV

"yeah sure, because venomians sure do love to talk about their secret plans and projects." the vulpine glared at falco unamused. "alright fox, we'll do it your way. you're the boss after all." the bird sighed and got off the bench.

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Solomon – The Son of the Legendary Silver – Chapter 12 – A Strong Bound is formed

Be home at midday with her to see my secret plans. " with this said, silver turned around and moved away, leaving a confused solomon behind. _god dammit!

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Giving Un-Birth to Stu

They were secret plans, and she'd been looking forward to them for months now. she wasn't about to miss this opportunity. it added up to one thing. one way or the other, stu was going to get inside.

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LNL 3: The First Time

"well, now it's my turn to have a secret plan," sean teased. "oh come on let me hear it," lloyd pleaded. "alright, but only because i need your help to pull it off." sean then proceeded to tell lloyd his devious plan.

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The Ingram Clinic

To tell only you my secret plan, that no one will tolerate hearing! and now, that i have revealed myself to you, i need your help. under your chairs are some envelopes. please open them."

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Red and Glaceon

Like he had a secret plan and other thoughts on his mind. he then slowly turned his head back and forth as he continued to pet his little friend thoroughly. "hmm... doesn't look like nobody will bother us...

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Baby Mama

She humored her husband but secretly planned to help alyssa and leslie get natural breast milk behind his back later, knowing that later on he wouldn't give a shit. she kissed the top of his head.

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Beast Wars Shattered Glass (unfinished idea)

Unfortunately, the maximal council, while not believing any of the dinosaur's drivel, agreed that his quixotic quest could alert the other predacons to their secret plans, and ordered a skilled team of assassins from the maximal secret police, lead by the

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The Gamer's Crossing 5 - Mining For Mirth

He was more excited about that than this job, especially for his secret plan.

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Unearthed Part 5 – The End

He was here, hiding from the humans so as not to give away master's secret plan. their forces were still small, but they would soon grow as he brought human males in to convert into slaves. the mine throbbed, his very blood attracted towards it.

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Encounters of a Dragoness in Heat - Cynder's Lewd Adventure Part 1 (Prologue)

His mind twisted, and his morals corrupted, the teal dragon known as dart'tharan smiled wickedly at his secret plan to create a kingdom of his own, starting from controlling the female dragon masses through his addictive seeds and then overthrowing this city's

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