The Big Sister Part Four: A Taste of Power

"sheesh, what the fuck did you do to frank and the boys, you fucking monster?!?" "i'll do it again to you if you don't scram!" she said as she pointed her finger at the man. "screw that! i'm outta here!"

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Potions 4 - Whoops

"it turns men into fucking monsters!" "all the more reason why it's so fucking valuable! could you imagine an army of monsters? that's a massive military advantage!

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 12

The fucking monsters are here!" gunshots then echoed after those harsh words. "guns? they're here with fucking guns!" aleksander growled. he skidded and stopped, sliding along the floor and crouching as he went.

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Wrapped In Your Arms

_please cloud be safe from that fucking monster..._ zack pushed himself up off the floor into a sitting position dragging himself to the wall.

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A dragon hump 2!

Mmfff... d-don't expect me to b-break on the second date u-unless you rut me like a f-fucking monster."

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Exodus, July 27th 2011, 11:34 A.M.

Only time would tell what they all ended up becoming, but for tonight pat felt that his small race of alien sex monsters was safe. that was all he needed for now.

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New Journey Chapter 41: Regret

I'm a fucking monster! no one can forgive the things i've done!" seth moved across the bed, coming closer to her. "get away!" she shouted, tears in her eyes.

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The Big Sister Part Four A Taste of Power

"sheesh, what the fuck did you do to frank and the boys, you fucking monster?!?" "i'll do it again to you if you don't scram!" she said as she pointed her finger at the man. "screw that! i'm outta here!"

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The Shadow Chemist 1

A fucking monster..." kaida found herself consumed by her dark fantasy. her mind conjured images of her victims, broken and begging for more, potions, more elixirs, more pills, their wills shattered under her iron grip.

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Marked for Death

fucking monster!" "i am blake reese." reese grabbed a vase and pitched it at lightning speed in the direction of the front door. it hit someone in an explosion of glass but they remained on their feet.

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The Reunion

You fucking monster!" rachel couldn't pay attention to tommy. she was too immersed into trying to revive lucy. that was the only thing that mattered to her at the moment.

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