Medical Trial

The Medical Trial by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. They have been created for the sole use of within this story and are not...

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Direza's Trials

**Direza's Trials** Direza breathed deeply of the unfamiliar air - 'fresh', a surface-dweller would presumably call it, to distinguish it from the dense, stale air of the deep caverns. For her, that moist cave-air had always been the norm - it was...

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Experimental Trials

But he resolved to definitely call the doctors overseeing the trials, at least - if for nothing else, then to report possible side effects. he thought about if he should take the next pill or not.

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On the Mountain of Trials

The rain was pouring down on the mountainside, making the rocks slick and hard to climb. While normally no one would even be up there during the storm there was one who dared to risk the dark clouds and rain in order to try and get to the peak. Hinode...

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Trial by Fluster

The universe is filled with countless oddities, some mundane, some fantastic, some downright bizarre, but few can claim witness to a genuine miracle. An unexpected recovery from a...

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The First Trial

O.O By Hannibal Lector's Petticoats! People like my story ..... YAY ^-^ Now, to Continue the series ( after much Whipping and bleeding \>.\> ) All the usual stuff applies, and if you're not sure what it is .... go look it up \*-\* The...

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Trial Shift

Sable here, at long last! I've been away for far too long, it would seem \>.o This was initially supposed to be my first 'extreme' submission, but I ended up writing a more vanilla version which I grew to like so here it is! Look out for the original...

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The Trial of the Lost

Koru had no perception of time in the darkness that he had fallen into in that dark alley, and his senses to had seemed to have abandoned him. Or at least he thought they had, because as he moved through the darkness he began to notice that far off in...

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the first trial

The wind howled through the empty streets and garbage strewn alleys bringing with it flashes of lightning, rumbling thunder, and the scent of the rain that was soon to fall. He ran on though, uncaring of the encroaching storm, focused instead on the...

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Trial By Fire

The night was cold and dark, rain falling hard. Lighting filled the sky like fire. The young Neko held his Assault Rifle close to his chest, the ammo counter...

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Trials of a King

This is the third and final stage of the trial.

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