Pokemon's Gift Chapter 3: Some advice and an errand

Before she doubted he would have been a good trainer, now she felt that familiar trainer/pokemon bond and was convinced he'd be an adept one. -the first time i had this bond with my original trainer felt good.

Chapter 1: My journey gets off to a late start

Whoever one got one of the other trainer's pokemon, i won so one of you guys is going to have to join me. who wants to join?" most of the pokemon backed up but the bagon and larvitar walked forward.

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Couples' Retreat

All six of their trainer's pokemon, plus the trainer himself. the amount of times they'd interacted one on one outside of the heat of battle... she could probably count them on one paw.

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New Journey Chapter 18: Solaceon

Are you a trainer pokemon?" "kinda. we can talk about that one later. let's just say i work with the daycare." +++ seth and soul were sprinting down the path, trying to catch up with whoever. seth could feel two lives up ahead.

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The Reason

It was a risk, however, i felt i had to take to increase the trainer-pokemon bond.

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Pokemon Love Games

She reads that the object of sb fights is to make the opposing pokemon orgasm before the the enemy makes the trainer's pokemon orgasm. the first pokemon to climax loses. she finds out that there are three special command used in an sb fight.

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Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter three

Riolu's training taught him to only save team rocket member's pokemon or capture wild or other trainer pokemon. riolu stood there looking over the female kirlia. wondering what to do.

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Safari Adventure p.3

"you were a trainer's pokemon once? wow, that's very interesting indeed! but, where's your trainer now, and why you're here? if i may ask" he said to the apparent friendly pokemon. "well, it's a long story, but he suspended me after a time.

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Master of Aura Chapter Eight

"you're a trainer's pokemon now. you'll get attention either way in a few battles." i chuckled. he stayed silent a moment and i tapped his shoulder, "come on...trust me, it's better of you don't hide it anymore."

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A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 5

Everyone knows that trying to catch another trainer's pokemon is illegal.'_ the younger trainer looked indifferent at first, but quickly put on a remorseful face when the green-bandana trainer delivered a swift elbow to his side.

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The Slacker and the Samurai Chapter 2

"you're a trainer's pokemon?" he asked, a tiny tremor in his voice. "you've been in a city?" "was." xander emphasized. "i was a trainer's pokémon, but it hardly makes a difference to me in the grand scheme of things."

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Ch. 46

I felt her enthusiasm, her exuberance at being a trainer's pokemon. the exhilaration of battle, of victory. the way he looked at her. the way he encouraged her.

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