A Dream Most Surreal

Her arms bent, raising the orb carefully upward to her lips as she drew in a breath of the airless void. deep blue eyes shut as she exhaled, cupping the orb in her hands as she breathed so slowly, so carefully into it.

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The Health Cruise: 08

Under her own generous belly, there was plenty of airless spaces that had been sorely neglected recently, or perhaps ever since they had formed in the first place.

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Naya on the Moon

In the greatest single expenditure of her power she had ever attempted, she sheathed her body in protective magic, soared upward until the sky turned black and airless, and forced aside the asteroid until the scholars' models confirmed it had entered a safe

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Unpaid Overtime

But here the panther was, trapped in a pitch black airless flesh bag that was going to be his last resting place.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.13

As the bag of electronics dwindled into a minute prick of light she slumped against the inner door and let out an airless sigh of relief. horizon slapped the button to close the outer doors and felt the air flow back into the small chamber.

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Gutpunch 9: kicking the bull by the balls; or the prisoner's lesson in humilty

To the bear, now left airless, grasping for what little oxygen she could, the punch felt like it lasted for an entire year. to everyone else, it lasted for about three seconds. then came the second punch. and the third. forth, fifth, sixth and so on.

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The Smuggler

The felt movement, and something joined her in the heat and the darkness, breathing apparatus to allow her to survive in the airless atmosphere. she pushed the breathing tube into her muzzle, tasting the bitter bile but forcing herself to ignore it.

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Voyager: Chapter 4

The idea of getting onto a ship that would bring her up to an airless could environment would scare her. we had been saving up to go to belgium for vacation. from there we would tour europe and all of the cities.

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A Beautiful Place

"i've always thought of space as just a bunch of cold, airless battlefields. i never thought it could be this beautiful." he explained in an awestruck whisper. "seeing one's world from space is always a shock the first time.

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Levelling Up

There was a clink of the chains and a shudder as the airless pup tried to reach for the muzzle or shake his head but, with all the restraints, he could do little more than gasp against the latex.

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From Temple To Temple

The sweet touch of airlessness, lungs trying to fill with air that simply was not there, a constant state of hypoxia and pain while the faith's modifications kept the brain alive to feel everything.

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The Siblings cursed discovery

His sister now on her belly with him sitting on her back pointed to the vines and airlessly said "look..." with his weight impeding her ability to breathe.

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