YCH "Insolence"

Length ~2000 words, may be more starting bid 5$ minimum bid 1$ paypal auction ends 48h after last bid. who said that mortality is associated only with something feeble and insignificant?

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On the Edge of Emergence

Just play it forward, let yourself emerge as a woman, pick up a nice bid, and you'll do just fine.

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Bided Separation. (XXI)

"be there any who dare to take a life time chance by bidding? do i hear twenty silver perhaps?" gelant asks, starting off the bidding.  "i'll bid twenty-five silver coins!"


The Old Violin

And this is the final item up for bid. i will set the bidding for this violin, which comes with its own bow at exactly one dollar. bidding starts now."

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On Stage

"now, let's start the bidding at 150,000 gold...

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Commission Zone: Cradle Robberz 3

With an energetic frenzy, the bidding began anew. maximilian watched as the price for stephen skyrocketed, jumping from twenty five to fifty, then to eighty five, and then higher still.

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One Night at the Swinging Jewels...

And the bidding is hot... it runs wild and the promises become lewder and lewder as it does. the top bidders finally offering to share the gelding out to the rest of the room... if their bid is let stand.

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Milo's Tale (Kaido and Taimet Part I)

Opening bid is 2,000." "bid," milo turned to the speaker, and saw kaido standing by the door, smiling at him. a few more bids came, back and forth, slowly rising. milo couldn't help but feel ashamed.

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A Filly's Tail

The bobcat was becoming increasingly agitated as the shire calmly increased the bid by twenty.five gold pieces every time the bobcat bid.

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