Steamy Extremes

The coyote was staring down at his right shoulder, where cecil's hand had touched down just a brief while before. cecil's eyes widened. the flesh he had touched was... indented. softened, and smooth.

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How It Goes - Part 8

When they pass scott and cecil, stewart stares daggers at the bunny, clenching his fist. scott stares at stewart as they pass, before he turns to cecil. "what was that?" "nothing much," cecil shrugs. the smile on his lips dies a little.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 5 of 29, SUBSERVIENCE

cecil looks at kurinne and sees the left side of her face where she is pointing. cecil wipes off the left side of his face with his napkin. "no, the other side. the right side." cecil wipes off his right cheek.

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Ribbon - Chapter 6

I relayed the details of my encounter with the fox to cecil. he wasn't surprised. if meeting ruben amounted to anything it was hammering the final nail in his coffin. cecil and i are done with him, over, through.

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Monday Revelations

cecil attempted to chide his mate, although his own chuckling did little to comfort me in this situation. "however fun it would be to keep toying with him, don't you think it's best to explain things before he and cecil have to leave?"

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How It Goes - Part 18

Scott's eyes turn to cecil, who is watching them both intently, mystified, bemused. "do you want to come? my treat," scott turns to cecil, and his voice is rocked with quiet.

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Chapter 3 It's Begin

Said cecil," yeah, you are right, after this all of us should go to sleep."

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A New Lifestyle

It was a detailed sheet about andrew that cecil had given me in the morning as the bell rang, something ryker had apparently made to help me "bond with the cute doggy" as cecil mentioned the folf saying.

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Ribbon - Chapter 10

He offers a smile and he's back in full cecil mode. the rock. the font of wisdom. the endless source of patience. but he's more than all that. he always has been. he's a bird. like me. and he feels. and he fumbles. and he makes mistakes. he's cecil.

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How Sandy Met Robbie - Part 15 - Epilogue

cecil climbed aboard too. "there they is, daddy!" simon turned around, seeing that a limousine had pulled into the drive way and let out sandy and robbie.

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