Lily part 2: Cream

After the final _click_, the human retrieved the bottle of lubricant from the cooler and screwed a spray head onto it.

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Project F, Chapter 1 Vacation

The dingo giggled to himself warmly, as his right paw now reached for the red cooler. not that he could see it, but the dingo managed a bottled out of the cooler. "oi, give us a hand ay mate?"

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Family Ties

What's in those coolers, by the way?" soren grinned. he wanted to show off just a bit. he placed the coolers on the tray, the ice packs thawed but the contents still chilled. "i thought i'd make you dinner for a couple days."


Wolf River - Chapter 4

Ignoring the pain from overworked muscles as best as he could, he walked on rubbery legs over to where his axe leaned up against the cooler.

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Open Season Chapter 20: The Long Arm Of The Law

"she said the perp ran his paw under her skirt, over her backside and between her legs, she screamed and the bouncer was on it in a second, balled up the perp and threw him in the cooler.

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Night Light

She pops the lid open to the cooler, plucking out from inside a sprite can, "here, have a drink and relax... we need to get somewhere more scenic."

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Chapter 6 - Mount Greenville

The ground was strewn with tents, coolers, multiple bags of marshmallows and chips, and even a few potted saplings.

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"and the coolers?" their visual worlds were monochrome, but if that hadn't been the case then he would have seen the color drain from the insides of her ears.

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The Model - Chapter Eighteen

Doug asked, removing the lid off the cooler. "he seemed cool," kurt replied. "i probably got more from chatting to him on a beach than going to your average town hall meet."

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Secret Enchantments

He opened up the cooler. "i've got a couple sodas in here and some cupcakes... i only brought two." his ears sagged. "you two can have them, i can get more." "how nice of you!"

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Pool Party Prior - Kiwi Cinnamon

They slid the coolers under one of the tables just in time for the raccoon to get hugged by a tigress. "hey, thanks for the invite, cousin." "not a problem, nel," he chuckled as he hugged her back.

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