Dane: Did Wrong

#2 of bennett family shenanigans characters: dane bennett (otter) noriko hara (rat) clara tika (cat) dane does the job good. conversations. revelations.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 16: Sanctuary, the Heart of Muriaj

_ dane wondered. dane flipped the parchment over to find a crudely drawn map of the region on a separate sheet, and on it were countless red x's where raids had reportedly taken place.

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Legion of Sytarel - Epilogue

The girl looked around until she spied dane, then asked, "um, excuse me, but are you lieutenant trueshot?" "captain trueshot, actually," dane corrected.

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The Demons Deception

A method they'd used a fair few times to prevent dane from having siblings. dane, who was dane...sir gregory idly wondered to himself as the tight heat of his wife's tail hole stretched reluctantly to permit him entry.

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A Creative Session

The great dane whined. "i don't know," sirius began, "it's not something i've ever done before." thomas stood up and walked over to the great dane's side.

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Script - Gritpaw and Peakwood Roleplay

dane: \*blinkblink\* cold. [dane and kita roll damage.] johanna: so dane's mostly okay, but kita...you rolled a 5. kita: \*tilts head and runs fingers over her notepad\* but blackford only has 4 hitpoints.

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Using Your Son

When the door opened dane's face went from friendly to surprise. "jodi...?" the large canine muttered. "hi dane! do you mind if i come in?" before dane could answer she had already made her way inside.

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Dane and Noriko: Hangover Cures

_ damn, dane, that's hardcore!" dane blinked. "uh. i mean, i guess so?

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Physical Education

dane snorted impatiently, "we'll never, ever do anything fun with mr. callaghan."

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Sibling x Girlfriend Side-Stories - The Morning After, Pt. 2

Johanna borrowed the phone from him, flipping through the most recent photos: one of ares struggling to get the whole of dane's bone into his mouth, a few of him with dane's milk on his tongue and drizzled across his face, and some more of him over dane, dick

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