Kichi's Karma part 2

Just kept moving and fussing whenever i would touch or get near her ear, even worse when the rubbing alcohol would of touched it, at least the worst part was over now i had to put on some bandages, at least the rubbing alcohol numbed her ear and was less fussy

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Anything for a Dollar 1

I don't feel like doing it after undressing you like a fussy toddler." ryan blushed at the comparison but knelt down in front of emma's homework and grabbed the pen. maths is easy. i can have this done in no time. then i'll be two dollars richer.

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Unwanted (wholesome, yinglets, short)

Buddy gets fussy at his ant meal being interrupted. muckrake kisses his head, "we'll get some real food once we get to zhe ozher enclave don't be so fussy little one." buddy calms down and quickly forgets about the ants.



Sometimes fussy cubs given to older children as mother has too much to do. males learn to stuff dick in baby's muzzle. baby happy, mother happy, son have little teeth marks in dick, but happy to help out. weaning cubs always fussy..

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The Road Trip (Part One)

"someone's fussy!" koda teased. "i think we left his pacifier in the car." "hunter, suck your thumb."

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J Baby meets Mr. Chain

If you get fussy or impatient about it coming off, it stays on for another thirty minutes 4.

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A Night at the Movies: Pt 2

Here i was thinking you were going to be fussy. all you needed was a little affectionate, huh? yes you did."

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Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 18

Kazemde hummed the words, the rabbit offering him a fussy glare. "kaz, you're an ass!" alice snarled and stomped her foot. "i jest with you, my friend. i simply wished to get a rise out of you."

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 8

Rap was not particularly fussy about his wardrobe neither, he was just as happy in a pink sparkly dress as he was in a pair of utility shorts.

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Princess in a Pouch

What's gotten you so fussy?" she looks over him for a moment as he just looks back with a bright blush of embarrassment on his face. "i've got it!" she called out.

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The Chronicals of Toumal: part three

He asked "hmmmm...whatever, i'm not very fussy." soushinarou replied and went back to watching raul sleep. toumal made his way to the small kitchen, his mind buzzing with memories of the previous night. had he really done all those things?

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Wolves in Caps - 1 - Pages Turn

She was cute, in a fussy librarian kind of way. parker's first real crush had been one of the librarians in his small, wooded hometown who'd let him off the hook when he'd been two weeks late to return call of the wild.

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