The Herm's Fox Slut

Story is herm on male, in case that's not your thing. some smut i wrote for a different story, but i realized it did not fit in well. i do not want to just discard it after all that, so here it is as it's own thing.

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FINISHED - Let's Make a Story (Voting)

Male -\>herm -d. female -e. female -\>male -f. female -\>herm -g. herm 3. scale of tf -a. anthro -b. beastial anthro (half and half) -c.

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High School Herms: Chapter 1: Nexus Case

The herm nibble the nape of her neck gently. "it's.. it's not a dildo, spira... it's... me. i'm a herm." "a herm?! get off, get off, get off, get off, get off!" spira shouts. "i...

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Losing Can Be Fun Too

Leading to this scene you, an anthro stallion of well endowed proportions, tries and fails to keep a pair of male anthro foxes led by an anthro herm mare, intent of raping a human girl.

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Containment Violations

Jets of hermes's pre mixed into the beast's chemicals, and his head rolled back in surrendered bliss. while hermes dipped his toes into the creature's ocean of pleasure, freya returned to its depths.

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Hypnos Academy: Year 2 Profiles

Class member 2 name: kiyone karu (kee-yoh-nay kah-roo) age: 11 gender: herm (dual) species: angelfox (red) hair/fur color: red fading into blonde with multicolor highlights, red fur eye color: heterochromatic.

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Date night

Presila's pleasure spiked as the other herms finger started playing directly with her urethra. grinding down she urged saara to go further.

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The First Day

#1 of the village of herms -this story includes male and herm sex, autofellatio, vaginal, hyperphallia, and a bunch of other good stuff.

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Somebody to Love

The cat-herm asks. "since you're locked out of the food system and all." "that would be great, c13, thank you." the cat-herm smiles and pads off toward the cafeteria.

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Walking over to a random framed letter, he read: 'thank you tough herms gym!

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A series of Elephants and Lions stories. Chapter 4: The Elevator

The elevator -species: male lion and two herm elephants. that castle was weird. first of all, it needed an elevator to go in, so it was in the top of a huge mountain.

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A New Fetish

The herm had always been proud of her large testicles and the virility they implied. she supposed it was also due to the fact that unlike some herms, she did not have female reproductive organs, only male ones.

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