
Besides, i don't care if she sees us 'itching' in the humvee," i said.

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Battle In Athens Sequel Teaser

The humvee's .50 started to fire but suddenly the heat shield sparked and the lion slumped, riddled with bullets. the humvee, their most powerful weapon, was silenced.

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LETHAL VECTOR - 2. Welcome 2 the border

"there are exactly two humvees on their way here right now. east sinnoh. number plates "czq18950" and "hgp54671". each humvee contains three soldiers. two weedsuits. four infantrymen: two with pikachus, one a floatzel and one a dustox.

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An Average Day part 6

They walked to where their transport was supposed to be and found a smaller version of a humvee that the military often use. "if i didn't know any better i'd say we're working for the army." said abby staring at the humvee.

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apocalypse: chapter two

We had barricaded all the doors and windows on the lower floor and parked the humvee in a loading bay out back. alex's leg had healed up pretty well thanks to jess and she had moved into another room to give us some privacy.

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My First Story Pt.1 Prolouge

I heard both humvee guns and all of our guns open up. i looked up and saw a breath of fire come towards me. it hit me and i felt the burning start. i started to scream and pat the fire out but that didn't work at all.

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Depth of Darkness

"this humvee blows." brown turned completely in his seat, one hand holding the steering wheel straight. turning his massive bulk in the tiny space was quite a spectacle.

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War on the Home Front: Chapter 2, Lock and Load

The two agents followed the lt inside, and the rest stayed with the humvees, manning the turrets.

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Both his cum and jess's dripped off of it and hit the floor of the humvee, making a dull pitter patter sound in the silence. the only other sound was the two teen's heavy breathing.

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Animalistic Instincts: the beguining

I'll just be waiting in the humvee when your finished." she finished up her sentence with her face red as a tomato. she then hurried out of sight and into the humvee to await him.

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Fire and Ice: The return of Pyron Part 1 of 2

Rapster then radioed the armed guards to entered the code and opens the chine linked fenced gates. 1856hrs: after unloading the supplies drakon got from the harbor docks early that day out of his humvee that heads to rapster's office.

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The Breaking Point: Chapter 6

Below us, josh and justin were in one humvee with a .50, and levi and austin were in the other. i had nick up with me. i also had taken off one of the m2 .50cals from the humvee, and i had it positioned to cover the road.

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