Wolf Moon: Prologue

.** _ **prologue** my name is joshua olivier (at least that's what everyone calls me my real name is joshua lycaon).

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Sissy school

"have him ready as soon as possible, lycaon." and she left like she owned the place... which she did. as soon as she was out of sight, the hyena picked up the fox by the neck.

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 25

"yea, and since he has the ability to transform into lycaon form, it's essential he does this in that form to make it as authentic as possible" he stated before her grandparents looked over at him curiously. "lycaon?" zoe looked around grinning evilly.

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 17

I'm there, but i'm not there" "going lycaon form is like that for any that go that far. that's only because what triggers a lycaon shift is not a common emotion a werewolf would ever experience. numbness. i've been there before.

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My Life is Super Issue 5 - Chapter X

"i assume you're going to explain to us what a lycaon is?" elliot asked. "and don't bother asking me if i know the origins of the name. yes i know. in greek mythology, lycaon was a king who tried to trick the gods into eating human flesh.

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The Dream That Turned Real: The Canine Underworld - Part 9

So far, they had battled at least twenty-one thousand demons, built and destroyed stuff, were contacted by lycaon, and of recently, scared each other with horror stories.

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Lykos Redemption Ch. 5

#7 of lykos redemption lycaon's fifty-one sons have a lot to redeem themselves for. some of them are willing once they see their youngest brother alive and well. some just want their brother back.

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Lykos - 03 - Primal Moon

One of the most... unique... people of that time was lycaon." ethan began. marco looked surprised. "lycaon? like... lycan? lycanthropy?" marco asked. ethan nodded. "exactly." ethan replied, "now lycaon was a pretty active man.

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The Dream That Turned Real: The Canine Underworld - Part 3

"that's what happens if you say..." i said, whispering 'god or lycaon' in ryan's ear. "that sucks. what about devil or satan, or, what the hell is that thing on the door?"

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Puppet Master

Studying the figure to see him in better light, a gray wolf, canius lubus lycaon to be exact. the wolf paced back and forth across the hidden location that upheld an aura of the wolf's deepest and crucial desires.

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Toby's Super Awesome Guide to many Werewolf Things

**lycaon-** a latin based word meaning wolf. this is the 4th form and believed to be the final form werewolves may take.

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Lykos-Redemption Act V

The line of my eldest brother--indeed the line of lycaon--shall not disappear from this earth." he grasped her upper arms tenderly before kissing her forhead.

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