What a Nightmare

I ran towards macy's, thinking i could lose the creature in the crowd and all the merchandise. i pushed past people, weaved in and out of the clothing racks, around the make-up counters.

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Writing Exercise 1: The End of Downtown Crossing

A young doberman male was cut down as he exited the subway outside of macys, a mangle patch of white fur dirtied from blood and grime tearing into his back and eating away at his insides. the panic had been set and the alarms sounded.

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It Slithers

It was reported by a little fox kit, named macie grey, who claimed that her twin brother had been dragged into the sewer by a snake with clawed arms. no one had believed her at the time, and the disappearance of her brother was never solved.

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No Frills: Buford Mack Hudson

Aside from this, buford is friends with macy. macy is a receptionist at mortuary, a woman who has always liked chickens and asked to be transformed into a hen by mortuary, who used to be an assassin herself.

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Untouchable: Chapter 49: As good as Damned: Oliver

"oh nice, i'll price check at sear's and macy's too." "lol, fine i'll see you later rather than sooner then," oliver texted. he cleaned up his lunch, is sean ok, wait did xander meet up with sean? "hey xander, do you know why is sean on aurora?

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Adventures of a Boy Hostage

Cackling malevolently he explained how, when he fired it, she would grow to the size of a macy's day parade float and then rain fire down on the entire region. it was utterly fiendish and she told him so. then he fired. something happened.

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I Want you to...

Hollister, abercrombie and fitch, some pretzel place, a halloween spirit shop, and a macy's. well might as well try macy's. beckett waited in the food court. he had gotten them some chinese food and was waiting impatiently for the cub to arrive.

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Studia ze snów M/M PL

Ale macie si? ze mnie nie ?mia?. - dobra, spoko, nie panikuj. wzi?li?my wszystko co potrzebne i zeszli?my do piwnicy, gdzie owa si?ownia si? mie?ci?a. michael przywita? mnie ze swoimi kumplami. lew john - wysoki, przystojny i dobrze zbudowany. sier??

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The Christmas Present

She was using her special fur shampoo from the macy's department store. she had saved it especial for this night. her green eyes fluttered at the thought of what would probably, and hopefully, happen tonight.

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Prisoner of War

Old memories of him and carlos always getting drunk in the weekend and working together in macy's garage during the week. five minutes later, he landed on a farm. it was a rough landing, he forgot to roll this time and nearly broke his leg on the fall.

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The Ballad of Lance Berkley - The Arrival

She grabbed her girlfriend and her cousin by the paws and ran, dragging the two bears out of the macy's outlet and into the more vociferous corridors of the fleetwood springs mall.

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