Blacksad: Skin to Skin [TSR]

But," blacksad once again dug his nose into the photographer's fluffy fur, "you're more than making up for it now."

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Addiction - Chapter Twenty-eight: Twenty-four Frames

Being photographed was another story. being photographed while clothed was bad enough. i figured i'd make the ordeal quick. despite my hesitance i tugged my shirt off over my muzzle with alacrity. "no, stop. a little slower than that."

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Blacksad (and Weekly) in the Darkroom

The photographs did show more cocks than beautiful breasts, some of them either painfully erect or deflated after pulling out. he couldn't resist taking some.

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Mortality Chapter 7

We will then enter the stage area where our photographer will take photos of you anyway you wish. when you're done, we'll print out your photographs in the form you wanted." she regarded the clipboard she was holding. "so...

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Geeks and Lovers ch. 2

Now get to photographers" he said pushing me. "alright" i walked over to the photographers and they told me what positions i would be doing with the other female model. " remember. sexy pose's" said one of the photographers.

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 07 - Stone Cold

The dreadlocked youth looked at the columns, the photographs. he too liked the photographer's taste. before long they reached the living room. it was wide open and spacious, looking over the skyline of portland.

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Naked Profits

photographers and sketch artists all nodded. "then let's begin." the naked dragoness snapped her fingers, and the lights around them went out.

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The Biggs & Cunningham Detective Agency Part 2 (Unedited Text)

As i told sam later that afternoon, we'd have to depend on catching the photographer and flipping him on the editor who was sending the blackmail threats. "what if the photographer doesn't show?" sam asked.

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photographs tell stories, giving all a glimpse through the past to the way things had been. stories of first meetings, of good times, and of the worst things that could ever happen.

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The Torch

The mix was incredible, with everyone from dalmatians to swift foxes waiting their turn to step into the hotel suite which housed the photographer's equipment.

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Blacksad: Taking the Plunge [TSR]

Blacksad's breathing grew laboured the more the photographer worked his thigh. "i'm not opposed to that." while he enjoyed the ministrations given, he still aimed to relieve the two of them of their clothing.

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