Junior Year: The Escape

Anyways, review, rate, repopulate. um... not sure what the last one is doing there... -kergiby_

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Crash Course

The skies where still cloudy, but mercifully calm, as the trio turned towards england, and headed north, where planted trees from almost fifty years ago, to repopulate the decimated forests during the gunpowder age, have grown tall and deep green.

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Which broke down old prejudices allowing outcasts to return home and see their families again, all the while repopulating the species. mind you he never released any information about this cure to anyone, but everyone took him at his word.

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Dog Eat Cat World

"on the plus side, we'll be giving you the americas to live in and repopulate. we'll rule the entire world, but you guys need your own place to stay. we'll come by once in a while to resupply." "you'll still eat us?" "of course.

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The Rutting Season

We're depending on her to help the herd repopulate." "a newcomer, huh? i hope she likes it here!" as the new hire finished, the gravid hind raised her head.

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Grow In The Dark

Ted was made to help them repopulate- since a single male can impregnate many females in a short period of time.

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Interlude: Committee Briefing

This whole project is meant to repopulate that island, after all; they are only being kept here as a temporary measure until we can safely reintroduce them into the island ecology." senator parson: "i see.

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Illian: A shattered world

But yet, because not all of the races of the dark were destroyed, even they began repopulating their forces, waiting for a day in which they may strike back at the forces who caused their humilation and the destruction of their parents.

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Endangered Species, Chapter 1

You'll help to repopulate the species by breeding with her." ** **of course he pleaded and begged her not to, but felicity's mind was made up, besides it was too late now.

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Pokemon: Fantasy Quest

repopulate! repopulate and grow our goblin empire! the rise of goblins is at hand!!!" the goblin cackled as he didn't give any mercy and destroyed slowking's ass.

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The Return to the Highlands, Part 1

"i appreciate your vigorous attempts at repopulating my species, but can i ask that you take a break." she looked jon-tom up and down, remembering his claim of kinship to the magical equine. "so i see. a unicorn.

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