Alone part 1

"well, tomas told me to ask you if you want to go to his house and talk a little." "sure, i come." "well, let's go then." when we reached tomas's house, i knocked the door. tomas had opened the door and had smiled.

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Fragmentos de cotidianidad

toma una camisa verde de manga corta y un par de jeans rotos. se viste ambas ropas. abre un cajã³n y toma un par de calcetas blancas, mientras que del suelo toma las zapatillas deportivas. se calza y sale de la habitaciã³n.

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Domination and Submission Chapter 6: Deception

After the assembly, the dean called tomas into his office. was my dream a vision of the future? the gathering, the office . . . tomas thought to himself. he suddenly felt uneasy.

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My Great Big Brother - Where Wolves Dare

tomas snapped back. "relax tomas," remy said, "you just focus on keeping kyle alive and i'll worry about katie. i am her angel you know." "right, right. plus, katie you said you can sense when he's close right?" tomas asked. katie nodded.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 14-15

tomas, did you remember the keys and the deed?" grandma asked. "of course ma'am." tomas reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a heavy weight envelope and handed it to jenny. jenny placed the envelope in her purse. "how have you been tomas?"

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My Great Big Brother - Epilogue

tomas smirked. "you won't be alone.

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Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 12 - Flame's Plan

And...," flame turned to tomas who stared at him with wide eyes. "i saw you carrying a satchel full of dark gems. like the one you have there now..." tomas gave a sudden yelp, hugging the satchel to hide it from flame's view.

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The Loves of a Sea God Chapter 1

I shouted after my brother, "hey tomas, i'm gonna go swimming! are you coming?" i looked at my brother, tomas, kissing his girlfriend, sarah...tomas, you dirtbag... i climbed up to this wonderful bluff next to the beach, and jumped off of it.

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The Use of Power - Part Five

"have toma help you take off his saddle and bind his wings again, then wait here while i find king william.

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Born to Lose, Chapter one

tomas the whiney wolf finally took notice of what i was trying to hide away. "yeeeaah, tommy." i sighed passing the little red truck to my friend with a hesitante paw. tomas was all about sharring toys, until he had to do the actually sharring that was.

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The Use of Power - Part Two

I'm so sorry," she laid her neck across toma's. "if i'd only been stronger, or braver, or had more of a will to fight..." toma grunted and clenched her claws.

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