The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 7: Ruffians on Fire

Before the turret had time to register what it was, the grenade exploded, blowing the turret apart. leo, lance, sally, and the other ruffians all sprinted down the hallway.

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Cold As Hell On the Western Front

He called as he swung the turret into position and placed his gunsight square on the tank's turret. "fire!" "on the way!" blam!

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Planet Empire Chap. 2

Turning left the sherman buried itself into the barricade shrouding the turret. dastron attempted to back up the war machine with little success. the gears grinned and melded under the intense pressure.

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Borderlands - Caustic Crystals

It was his scorpio turret, broken during the last days of fort knoxx. he'd been trying in vain to upgrade it into a sabre turret but the parts were scarce. still, it had many fortunate modifications.

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T'soona left him, headed over to the other hatch, taking up the turret. heller willed his legs to move as he sluggishly made his way over to his turret. he sat down, rather than stand, and took the gun's handles in his hands.

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Missing In Action - Chapter 4 - Marathon

The turret swiveled to face the technical. the gunners frantic yelling sped up even more as the technical finally faced northwards and began to speed off down the road. "target acquired!" "fire!" "on the way!" "crack!"

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Ablaze Ch.2: Contact at Ruthvale

Volt turns around and quickly sees tanks on a hill they just passed, coralian tanks with their signature block-like turret. "sten, engage tanks at four, range two thousand! fire when ready!" the wolf shouts as he drops down into the turret.

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An Old Story - a war story of unreality

Gunner, keep the turret pointed back in the direction we came as the hull turns. we whang the barrel on one of the trees and..."

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MoonDust, Chapter 24

The treads looked okay, but the airlock refused to open, so alexei climbed in through a gaping hole where the weapons and command turret had been.

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Distant Earth CYOA part 14

Zack sat in the seat for a moment and then tried rotating the turret, the blast shield on the turret retracted just a think sheet of transparent metal surrounded the room. outside the cold blackness of space surrounded them.

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Sand Ratz; Tankers of the lost brigade

Then i am standing tall on the turret of my asp, paws cupped over my hands to declare a focused message for all to hear (and i mean all, dead or alive.)

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