The Belly Eternal

Like a fast and fatal reaction to a bee sting his face swelled and his pudge grew so fast his eyes were pressed shut by globs of constrained fat.

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The Dog Who Was (horror - torture porn)

You feel a horrific pinch, the world's largest bee sting. then you sit up, only you are still restrained. you flail your head back and forth and vomit off to the side. your heart races, your arms hurt, your chest hurts, your bladder hurts.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 14 - Afraid of Love

James kept out of the way, hiding out of sight from them to not get caught up in the melee of bee stings that was sure to come.

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I get caught in a heatwave

I opened the door, and headed to the bathroom to fetch the tweezers to remove the sting when i reached the bathroom, what i saw sticking from my neck was not a bee sting, but a tiny red dart. with a trembling hand, i reached up and pulled it out.

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Chapter 20

For my aunt, it was a bloody bee sting; a burning like a bad cramp, a rush of adrenaline, and then it was over. she was in labor for roughly forty-five minutes, and the child came out blinding, just like that.

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Trip to Remember

The feel of each of the fangs piercing the skin felt like a thousand bee stings each. the pain was mind numbing even after the hyena let go of his deadly bite. scorpiious's body convulsed involuntarily.

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The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 5: Tension

Imagine eating dinner and feeling some sort of bee sting in your chest, only to look down and realize someone just shot you through the window.

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Elsewhere, Chapter 2: Future Shock

So for the foreseeable future, i'm stuck in this teenage body that has tits the size of bee stings." "still, you're an adult.

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Experimental Fun - Commission for gomanfury

No more than a bee sting, no less than a pinch. it went only as deep as the fat, not even approaching his glute. jaleel slid the plunger down, and the injection was complete. she pulled it out of him and dumped it in the waste bin. "alright," she said.

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_this creature is either immune to bee stings, or just doesn't care about the pain._the dragon's observation was only half right as he noticed the wings extend and bat several times, dispersing the bees with the created gust of wind.

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Cirrus - Chapter 4

Stung... like a million bees stinging me in the chest mercilessly, over and over again. his words burned more than acid pouring all over my skin. his words were colder than the snow covering the peak of a snowy mountain in the middle of siberia.

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