Demonslayer chapter 2: the evil rises

Walking around, he finds a ball of black metal from where the demon attacked his mother.

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Planet Empire Chap. 2

The black metal was covered in a yellow greenish sheen. dastron took a shot but only receives an empty click. annoyed, he threw the empty pistol at the dinosaurs head. the gunner hissed in response and threw an empty ammo box.

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The Cave of Lost Lovers

As far as inspirations go, i thought up this piece largely while watching the andy griffith episode barney and the cave rescue... and, yes, listening to black metal.

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The End Of My Black Dahlia

He pulled out the black metal hand gun and pointed it at the two of them. "i know i'm not supposed to be here! i just had to see if the fucking rumours were true! you're a cheap whore, juliet! james! you twisted son of a fucking bitch!

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Two

He finished as he pulled up to the large black metal gates of the community where my new home was located. "we're almost home, though i suspect that vivian is still at work." "who's she jack?"

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Forty Three

With stiff, jerky movements, kaylie held the black metal glove up--and then threw it on the floor. "good," i said. "then are you ready for our rematch?" kaylie's lips drew back in a feral snarl. "this ain't no rematch." i blinked.

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The room through the side door was a small living room with a black, metal wood stove and a big brown recliner. jason contemplated her uncertainly after closing and locking the door. "i don't know what to do with you," he admitted.

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Chapter 4 - Useful Insight

It looked like a jet-black metal box but it was light as plastic, cold as metal though. i brought it up to look at it better when suddenly my palm began to sting underneath the cube.

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Chapter 5: Blood Lust

Drake purred, his own erection pressing painfully against the black metal suit of armor he wore. "mmmm." the dragon returned the purr. "can we do it for a longer time?"

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A Hard day and night

The thing wore a black metal demon mask that concealed everything but his catlike eyes, and that tail, impossible for it to be anything but a feline. suddenly, david put it all together. the damned cats wanted their prize back.

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Long Overdue Gifts

It was of a shiny, black metal, the same colour as obsidian, and seemed to radiate black light, though it didn't feel evil.

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First Time For Everything Duel

On jackie side a red-eyes black metal dragon atk/2800 def/2400 and one card face down with three cards in hand. and it his turn. jackie drew his card and thought 'okay he has four cards face down, with two monsters in attack position'.

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