Chapter 3 Flashback

Crying about what has happened and not doing anything about it," said the creature inside of mike's mind. mike's eyes widened a bit. "who. . . what are you? what do you want from me?" "you humanoids call me a controller. i understand why too.

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Kari's Amore Chapter 1

He approached the box carefully, readying himself should the creature inside become frightened and attack. once he had gotten close enough to the box, he looked inside, surprised at the site before him.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Thirteen

"we've collapsed the tunnels and it's killed most of the creatures inside but every so often we see some vines trying to escape. if we simply collapse the tunnel on the creature, i do not think it will be enough.

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Seeding Jizzral

They soon found themselves heavy with child - not merely the swell of a healthy pregnancy, but instead the immobilizing bloat of carrying a full-grown creature inside of them.

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A Strange Visitor

As soon as it impacted the ground, making only a small thump sound in the tilled land of wilson's field, the creature inside broke the thinned rock around it and took in it's first senses of earth.

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Swimming in the Wrong Hole

Biting her lips, the white fox hesitated, her cheeks going bright red as she suddenly became far more aware of the creature inside of her, feeling it bloat and swell, even as her inner walls felt so much more sensitive.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 17)

Because after all, even if she won't admit it, the creature inside her armor is far more fascinating. strong, intelligent, beautiful. but behind his facade... there's nothing but a coward, motivated only by spite.

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Sex Slugs: Slither into my heart

His balls started swelling as well, as he felt little slithering creatures inside of them, tiny alien baby slugs no bigger than a centimeter or two slithering around his balls and taint.

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Hook, Line, and Sinker

Biting the satyr's shoulder once more, raleigh fucked him with what little he could before giving a ragged howl, tail hitched as he came inside of the basil's ass--burning hot cum flooding the poor creature's insides even as they shot their load all over him

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (4/10)

The leaf that he had been trapped in all this time detached from the tree, the object floating to the ground as the creature inside started to become more active.

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A Little Peace, part 1

The bubble jiggled a bit when his hands came out of it, but the little creature inside didn't seem to be disturbed. she pawed her way forward as if she was trying to find him again.

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Tenties in Testing: Purple

She didn't know if the creature inside the box would strip her fully, but it would be enough to hear the tearing of cloth and the tightness of its grip.

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