Jaded Journeys ( pt 2 )

Just like falling rain. even the explosion that rocked the house and shot from the window in a firey rage was so serene. it was art.. it was poetry in motion.. the glass turned into rain, and the house was gone.

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Magical Mishap! (Commission for Wolff1720)

His work desk was right beside his window, the balcony outside was soaked, and only then did he start to register the soft pitter-patter of falling rain against his window. yawning, he finally left his room, gently kicking the door closed behind him.

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Just another Dog Chapter 1

'a load of fucking nonsense' i say turning my face away from the falling rain and back to my small furry companion, he doesn't look back at me, scrambling his way between large lumps of brick and wood looking for a morsel of food to eat.

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 13

He heard falling rain, but no wind, so the storm was almost gone. he reflexively reached for his interface, but his arms were tied. "you don't have your toys," the dachshund said, indicating a table where his visor and interface laid.

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Stranded - Day 1

It was very eerie, you would expect to hear the sounds of bugs buzzing and birds chirping, but the only things i could here were our footfall through the grass, the falling rain, and ever so faintly the sound of the ocean as we grew closer to the other side

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The knights of juno, prelude to war, part three

Argil said, staring into the falling rain. "but this time, we do not fight alone." "this is true." the knight replied. "but still, i tried so hard to prevent this. it isn't fair that it happened anyway." "i know. i did too." the dragon stated.

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Seekers Tale Part 27

Looking out the window i see where the lightning has struck the edge of the forest and started a small brush fire that is soon put out by the falling rains.

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A Stalwart Guardian

For a while, no noise could be heard aside from the sound of the falling rain and howling wind. "wow, that's some storm..." said tyr, making small talk. "i'm glad we got here when we did..." ilara nodded. "yeah..." she said, gazing at him.

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Bat and Cat 1

Returning her attention to the falling rain, ross continued to wait. now and then a droplet would fall from overhead, presumably coming through openings in the tower, and land on the concrete in front of her.

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Lost Kitten

The falling rain wasn't hard, but was running like rivers from the broken structures, where it collected in deep puddles before flowing down into the broken sewer system below the ground. the feline knew where he was going for the most part.

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._ _ezekiel iii nodded at the crowd, their pelts shimmering in the falling rain. the sound of falling water nearly drowned out his voice. their heads were bowed.

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Lessons Learned

She was damp from the falling rain. while it wasn't pouring, she didn't bring an umbrella so her pantsuit and fur were quite wet. once inside the water dripped from her form onto the carpet.

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