No shame

"bye ya horny pervs, see you again soon so we can paw off together again~" soon after he says his final goodbye for the night, he turns off the webcam and ends the stream, collapsing on his back to rest himself from all that self-love.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 12 -Crimson Vengeance-

It was raining heavily upon them, the skies had grown to be a deep grey and the afternoon was slowly turning into night as the sun began to fall upon the horizon, making its final goodbyes to the world it cherished so.

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Last Rights

No kiss, no final goodbye, no "i love you," just a short sharp, finish that was the death of not only tomoyo, but the death of mina's reason for continuing to breathe.

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Foresight and luck part 10: Trouble in paradise

Ayden smiled, "okay, see you in a bit," the two kissed after their final goodbye then ayden made his way back inside. ayden went straight to his room contemplating how he'd fill the time.

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The Creed: The Unraveling

"give 'em hell," he said, followed up with his final goodbye. "good night, sis." fighting back tears, i hugged my brother. "good night, ty." _what. no.

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Prequel (No Name Yet)

As the remaining warriors gathered up close the leader merely nodded in approval as the warriors checked weapons and ammo, each giving the other a final goodbye with fists hitting shoulders or helmets being bumped together showing the bonds that the warriors

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Feeling "Down"

Finally feeling him enter the stomachs emptiness, he gave trey one last taste, as well as his final goodbyes by tickling his feet-paws, feeling him squirm inside his gullet.

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It's a Ring Thing

They made a stop back at the abandoned farmhouse, where the twins said a final goodbye to their feral friends. from there, it was back to rome.                

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 9

In the light of dawn, valdigt said one final goodbye to her beloved, then disappeared into the trees towards brand. the extent of besegrare's treachery was great. even today, years hence, it is remembered, and used as caution.

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The Yiff Collar

Jack nodded and waved a final goodbye to tom before leaving the alley to his street corner. as he turned the corner, he saw one of his classmates who had also gotten home.

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Life's Tough With The Odds Against You- Chapter Six - How To Say Hello When You Never Said Goodbye

I grabbed our bag as we said our final goodbyes and walked out of the house, heading towards the train station again.   "you know, except when my father attacked you, that went really well. i'm glad we came back, you know?"  

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