"Off the Beaten Path": NSFW (Male Anthro Lion TF)

Akin to his lover's, david's now-furred human ears rounded and shifted towards the sides of his head as tawny white tufts of fur filled the inner lining of the ear canal, poking out from the sides of his head.

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Bone Collector Badge

His now furred human balls began to swell to the size of two pears and filled with a potent hybrid of his and the alpha's cum, sending virulent hormones to his human mind that was warping rapidly now.

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Conrad Meets Raziel, Chapter 1

It would be interesting to see furred humans. or furless beasts! fascinating. but, i digress..."

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Shrika: the Hunt Begins

The possibility of hundreds of augmented furs acting as france's new army, with the good doctor as their creator, and the defense minister she'd left behind as their general, sent a shiver down her spine. it could have been another fur/human war.

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A Moment of Impulse - Chapter 2

Covered in fur, human shampoo was too expensive for her to use, given that it took half of a typical bottle for one good wash.

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Runeblade - 1

Lacking fur, humans all covered themselves with materials. clothing, they called it. shirts, pants, shoes and socks because their feet were fragile. they were all things that humans apparently attempted to look more interesting in.

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A Sense of Belonging - Chapter 1 - A Client to Remember, A Beginning to Embark On

This is the glorious eat-till-you're-full rib house that attracts furs, humans, and scales and even marine mammals all the way from japan, too.

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Br'er Rabbits

Normally he'd have quit long before, but constantly scrolling across the top of his screen were animated banner advertisements showing the fur-human couples enjoying their times together, laughing and hugging and, yes, even smooching.

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Integration: Part Five

"oooh ow ow, watch the fur, human!" the golden furred gryphoness snapped at dylan as he pulled it free, bringing some of her fur with it. he looked up to her amber eyes, leaned a little closer and simply asked, "would shaving it off help?" "no!

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Integration: Part Six

She imagined a furred human. the thought made her frown for a moment before she laughed. "alright, i'll admit, you little ones pull off the furless look well." - kira carried dylan into the mess hall.

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Rabbit Test Chapter One

Because they don't have fur, humans feel vulnerable with out clothes. we understand. i don't think i would like not having fur but having bare skin all over. how do you stand it, rich?"

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Brewed Love

Layla gladly accepted, her white-furred, human-like hands clinging to it. allan felt a small ping of joy in his heart, happy that she accepted. they made their way to the entrance of harpers, each looking forward to a fun night.

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