Think Twice
Jason watched in utter horror and disbelief as his towel, cooler and radio disappeared under one huge foot. the creature did not break stride as it headed down the beach toward the water.
Kazooie's Bad Feather Day Chapter 1
A foot was standing outside but not just any foot a huge foot that towered over everything. it was 10 feet tall and the biggest thing that she ever saw. her heart fluttered just a bit faster then what it usually did.
Enter the Coyotoy
His huge feet dangled off the edge of the bed, ungainly toes tipped in blunt felt claws. when mat came home that night he was surprised to find that andrew wasn't there. normally he was home from classes long before matt came home from work.
The No Nut Challenge
He threw his head back, ecstatic moans escaping from his chains and his long toes on his huge feet curling at the sensation.
Out West Nobody Can Hear You Shrink
All the coyote cared about was the huge foot pinning him down and making air scarce. all he cared about was how the foot was shifting and grinding against him like he was some kind of a toe toy.
The huge feet resting on miche's shoulders flexed and wriggled, turning dark as the white fur stretched from his hips to his knees, then his ankles. the feet were immense, at least size twenty if not larger.
What We Do To Ourselves
huge feet tapped idly on the ground and fingers covered in rings placed a selection of supplies into a basket before the head turned and crystal blue eyes looked at liam. a smile crossed his muzzle.
Hungry, Hungry Harry
He glowered and didn't resist as the boy tugged on his arm and began leading him out of the kitchen towards the back door, his huge feet making the floorboards creak, but the young human was beginning to get on his nerves a little.
Squeak Show!
Thor was surprised to find himself suddenly distending rounder and larger all over, and turned around to find a giant elephant stomping on the big dragons pressure plate with one huge foot, while reaching up high to try and grab the bag of credits.
Hunted, Part 3: Dinosaur Scat & Target Abduction
The first wolves to reach his location were stout and firm, but great dinosaur was still able to crush them into the earth with his huge feet.
Cyana goes ice-cream shopping
The green squirrel girl was only fifty feet tall today, but that was still big enough for the earth to shake underneath her as she walked, the asphalt cracking and breaking under her huge feet.
Lovable Lug
He staired at her, not taking his eyes away from the beautiful woman he was gazing at, he was going to move away from the trees but his huge foot snapped a twig, alerting the young woman, she sat up and got on her feet, her eyes darting back and forth.