Blinded By The Past: Part 3

kicked out of my home, then kicked out from the only shelter in town. no family, no friends, nothing to truly call my own. homeless. that was what i was. truly homeless. the fights was a load of crap. never once did i start any of them.

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SPURTS: Dinner Date

"you're going to get us kicked out." i said a little hushed. "i'm going to get us kicked out?" jezz said with a mouthful of steak. he swallowed and picked up his knife pointing it at my bear chest now covered by my arms.

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Minimum Wage Wrestling #6

_ jack tries again to go for a cover on the wolf but he instinctively kicks out before even a one-count from the ref. instead, aaron gingerly works his way back up to a standing position.

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G.R.R. Chapter 5: Take No Prisoners

"i kick out. the crowd cheers. "that was three!" light yells. "two!" the referee says back. the husky growls and looks at me with anger in his eyes. maybe i can get him down with these steps.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 3(.5)

He tensed his left leg and kicked out with his right. klain dropped under it and grabbed it with a hand, using chris's momentum and his own he pulled forward. chris felt himself being swept into the air, watched as he flew over klains head.

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The Young Wild -- chapter 3

"i've got no right to mate with anyone in the clan, and i could get kicked out if i'm even _seen_ with them like that. kicked out like evan . . ." he rested his head back on folded hands and wiggled into the plush moss.

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Becoming the slave

Finding it softly with his claws the leader chuckled a little as the legs of the one beneath kicked out frantically. they were feeling the fear, the humiliation he had desired.

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Commission - The Hyena's Kingdom - P6

As shenzi kicked out she reconsidered her idea on calling for help... ed would not react and therefore no one else would.

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G.R.R. Chapter 4

Two . . ." but the tiger kicks out of it before the three. i growl and pick him up by his ears and wrap my arm around his head and drop back down twisting it into a neck-breaker. i go for the cover again and again the cunning tiger kicks out.

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My brother is leaving or being kicked out of the house soo i won't be here for a long while or week unless he stays reason y he pays for the internet so if he leaves so does the internet and helps with most of the bills here family is

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Chapter 2.txt

I wish i could make that choice but its not up to me if your kicked out or not. however if you still want to be part of this house youll be earning your keep soon. that is when youll be found out.

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The Apartment Complex

In fact, one of the men said he'd help me find a place to stay after i got out, if i got kicked out of school, that is. and i did get kicked out of school.

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