V. The violin

I usually didn't stay up at new year's eve either." "so in short, you were afraid of what today would remind you of?" lindya asked. "very much so, but now that i've been introduced to you, it's not as hard as i thought it would be.

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Cliche Gay Story - Part 1

Last night was new years eve 2012. it was pretty ballin. i went to my friend tyler's house. he's a grey wolf. we're on the swim and soccer teams together. we're best friends and we've known each other since second grade.

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New kid

I'm sixteen and my brithday is january 1 yes new years eve is when i was born." a fox in the backgroud sitting on a wolfs lap raised his hand. "where did you get those shoes?" he asked making raina smile a little.

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A New Year's Treat

"...i want to get a better look at _this_ new year's eve treat of yours. and you... i want you to get a better look at the treat i have for you, too."

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QCP: NS-05 Sundered Hearts

I then said, "krypto said that you got very drunk on new years eve and you offered to let him mount you." ace made another disgusting face as he stepped 'away from' the nasty white dog of steel. "i had to work new years eve.

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The Sun Long Set on Amazon/Bonus Content Announcement!

Monroe loved antiques, and for the prakoti new year's eve bought a miniature clock, one that ran on handcranks and springs. he went to see a movie with his adopted family's son, his closest friend in the entire world.

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The Time of My Life Chapter 12 -- End of 2010 Celebration --Season 1 Finale

new years eve !" we woke up to the sound of cheering coming from the gameroom. i got up to see what was going on. me and daez walked up to the gameroom, and we found jake playing guitar hero: arcade.

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All good things come in threes: two, The Panther and the Dragon

We didn't see him again until new year's eve. the moment lethan entered the men's room, a black panther walked up to him. "hey there, young beauty, how's my favorite shadowguard doing?" the panther spoke.

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Amber Silverblood Bonus Chapter 3: Valentine's Day 2015

He'd missed new year's eve, but i could forgive him that. christmas had only been a week before. he probably just didn't want to wear out his welcome. _not that he ever could,_ i thought as i reached out and took another card.

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#12: NITRO interviews BANJO and KAZOOIE

Aniro: you kept saying that at the lake area furry friends' new year's eve con! silver: yush but this is the first time i have said it in the studio! :3 aniro: dog. nitro: so who will be interviewing today, silver?

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The New Year

She had been trying to coax him along but she was nearly out of time now, it was new years eve and he was in the military. this meant that he had to leave in three short days when christmas exodus ended.

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Regret Comes in Waves

The second wave comes two weeks after new year's eve. she's pregnant with your cub.

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