Alduin, mental? I think so. Part 2

He was short, slightly over weight, and looking rather calm, but annoyed that i wasn't what he expected. "oi, that's definitely not an earth creature." alan shouted. i turned, and let go a concentrated burst of heat ray.

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Darn That Boy - Mornings, Mountains, and Matings

It was the principal; middle aged, over weight beaver that always tried to control more than he had authority to do so. ashley squirmed out from between his two monoliths.

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The Future of Zak and Wheezie

Of course, since dragons weren't as concerned over weight as humans, he didn't really give it much thought. today, however, he saw something... off... about wheezie's recent gains. "wheez?"

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Claws of Justice Part 1

Far from an act, the heavily inebriated target toy stumbles her way towards the exit, and the few other patrons in the bar cast disapproving glances her way, each of her four limbs feeling both overly weighted and light as air, depending on which one was on

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How To Change A Life Ch. 2

He's kind of a bigger guy, but by no means fat, or over weight. he was just naturally big by nature. he was just a little shorter than me too. he was always very respectful to everyone he was talking to, but if he knew you well enough, he would be the first

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Steven Renard- Sins of the father- Part 2

He was about forty-five years old, slightly over-weight but very strong, and dapperly dressed. his manners and posture were those of a person who liked and frequently used his authority. the wealthy fox looked at both youngsters with an air of disdain.

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Prom Night Delight

Teddy himself was a tall, over weight bear/wolf mix. he was not in shape. he never had been, to be honest. he had always been the chubby kid. besides that fact, he was always awkward when it came to being social.

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MLTTA ***** Chapter 2: Dominic.

Every morning; quiet right-wing talk back radio, the hum of the battery charger connected to a electronic wheelchair, a oxygen machine set to its second highest level and a hospital style bed containing a heavy breathing (thus the oxygen machine), short, over-weight

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Chapter 3: Miranda's Work and Brotherly Bonding

Jerry was a slightly over-weight bear. he was tall, with thick, dark-brown fur and glasses. anyone who knows him would describe him as introverted and shy, so when the very forward miranda strut into his office, he knew his day was going to be difficult.

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no one has to know not even our parents

I'm a nice black and white panda, aged 30 chubby but not that over weight, i'm a good girl work in an insurance building checking the paper work i sighed and cried a mental break down? why how?

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Training the next generation

The big slightly over weight rhino grumps as he hears the knock on his door. standing up slowly, he trots across the room to answer it. one eye on the tv screen as he does, his big cock bulging against a hefty thigh under his baggy sweat pants.

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A Roo's Confession

She was in his mind, not to skinny, but not over weight by a long shot.

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