Dragon Sauna

His toe claws left skid marks from how hard they bit into the stone floor, all to hold himself together long enough to outlast his ordeal.

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Cry me a Murder (conclusion) Otherkin, my Demonheart

Judging by the skid-marks, richards had been in a hurry to get to the convent when something made her slam the brakes and bring her escape to a sudden stop, a lousy ten miles from the convent. something with claws.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Eighteen

"whatever doesn't show skid marks," lucas replied, no longer attempting to hide his yawn. "size thirty-eight." "go to bed," victus directed. "we wake in eight hours and begin our formal training."

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chater 4 Family ites

"now want to go for a wild ride, i'm going to show you how fast this thing can really" he said before flooring it, leaving skid marks and a cloud of smoke in their wake.

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Feeling out of place: Chapter 3

I looked outside again and i saw heavy skid marks right outside of my driveway. this made me realize that maybe last night, i had made a horrible mistake.

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Hero's Work (A2,B2,C7)

The police came around the corner and approached at a high rate of speed then slammed on the brakes, leaving skid marks on the pavement. the security guard waved at them to signal that the danger was over.

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Diaper Daze/Club Aroma (warning scat!)

Zeph noticed the gnarly looking skid-mark along the inside of her panties. zeph took a deep breath. "scat swallowing, vomit, scat through nose, i've seen furs glue their muzzles to animal puckers, snot, massively filled diapers, etc."

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Table Seven

That most likely, both the driver and occupant had fallen asleep and smashed into one or more deer after crossing the center line and that there was no skid marks on the highway. consistent with a sleep-deprived driver.

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A Real Pig

He pulled himself up to his feet and went into the kitchen, not noticing the skid mark he left on the leather. he searched around for something to eat, but found nothing that got his attention.

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A Different Form of Payment

Kamren walked to the rear of his vehicle and followed the skid marks in the gravel until he came across some scrap metal in the middle of the road. kamren angrily kicked the metal out of the roadway and stomped back to his vehicle.

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Dark Days

The breaks squealed as he smashed the pedal, and the skid marks joined many others that had made part of the lane completely black, as he spun the wheel. the car spun 90 degrees, then accelerated into the school parking lot.

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Chapter 4 - Returning to Leave

Kaiser did his best to stand his ground but the panda was way stronger than him, and the skid marks under his feet on the ground was no lie to the fact. finally master kai had kaiser pinned against the wall with no where to go.

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