A weekend on Ata'kiru.

Of course, apollo 10, a space shuttle on re-entry, hit about mach 37, or over 40,000 kph." "yeah, but that's a space capsule." devlin retorted."i'm talking atmospheric vehicles." as we flew over the ridge of a hill, i saw the village.

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Jak & Daxter: Safety - Chapter Eight

"--a precursor space shuttle." "looks like it's landin' out by spargus." daxter hopped down from the window and into his pants. "what're we waitin' for? we gotta roll out the welcome wagon!"

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The Ambassador

* * * decro the arctic wolf stepped off a space shuttle into the company of two drakonian guards. they smiled warmly at him, greeting him with a "welcome, high ambassador." decro nodded back, slightly embarrassed at the title that he had been given.

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Andreas and Xerxes

They couldn't send astronauts to plant a nuke on the asteroid; it displayed ultra-high levels of radiation, high enough to melt the hull of a space shuttle. so they used a satellite laser to destroy the asteroid.

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Border Worlds Tales Two: Fighter down

"only the american's space shuttle heading to the space station and a russian capsule docking with it." then an alarm sounded, the vixen did a few adjustments. "captain, something large is heading to the earth, it's between venus and earth.

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Bio-Wars: Part 1 Visitor of Thought

"we had a problem securing him, little bastard kept getting free, we don't know how yet and are still trying to figure out the command systems on the small deep space shuttle he was piloting, nothing we've seen yet."

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Earn It

She looked like she was ready to launch a space shuttle, not queue up strippers. she was pretty, but not beautiful or sexy like the dancers. "sixty seconds to your routine, okay?"

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Raised by Wolves Chapter 3

Our visitors gave us some of their shuttles so in less than twenty four hours, the space shuttles were rendered obsolete." said the radio operator at houston.

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The Voyage chapter 3

"but this thing has the aerodynamics of a brick just like the space shuttle nasa use to fly." the young human thought to himself as the shuttle dropped out of the sky. he knew that the landing is not going to be pretty.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 6: Some Assembly Required

The transport was a private drc space shuttle designed for shipping goods and workers but hardly met the high standards of an executive shuttle craft.

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The secret adventures of Tails Prower IV

In the upper atmosphere of mobius, tails piloted the space shuttle to the best of his ability.

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The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Got to save the Earth

We got sighted a few times by the space shuttle. what do you think was causing those streaks of light near the moon, swamp gas?" she laughs again. bridge lss nasal "dam humans, they taken out a wave of fighters.

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