A Morning Walk

The wolf sighed happily, and leaned back comfortably into the heavy chair, his hand gripping the black collar and using it to tug erika's head forward.

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Pokemon:Legends Ch.10 A Heated Home Coming Pt.3 Moving Forward

That only left one collar and one pup, the black collar. devin looked into his lap at the runt of the litter, an off white pup that slept most of the day and was up way late at night happily playing and annoying everyone.

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Ch. 2. Educating Leo

the black collar is the collar of a prisoner." leo pondered this for a moment. recalling his old pride-brothers, he certainly could see where the queen was coming from. "if... that happens, can you still redeem yourself?"

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Ben's Camping Trip

Tom looked in the mirror above him, focusing on the black collar that was around ben's neck, "so ben... how's that going?" the fox touched his collar with his fingertips, the leash loop making a little clink sound when it touched is claws.

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Tale of The Lonesome Prankster Chapter 3-1: To Know Your Enemy

She nearly hissed between her teeth, while her paws eagerly fiddled with the black collar, betraying the animosity in her voice. "good... hurry up and follow me to the usual spot then."

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Ch. 3 - Downs and Ups

Alex exclaimed, admiring how the black collar stood out against the white stripes on her front and back. "so what's in your other box?" she asked curiously.

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Black Blood Chapter 3

"to put it simply, the black collar would be compelled to listen to the white collar's second voice." "so that's what happened?" tom thought to himself as he remembered the exchange between ren and the white collar at the orphanage.

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Diary of a Fox Slut-Part10: Reflection of Agony

I caressed his neck, the black collar i had given him feeling cold to the touch. "i should tear those wolf ears from your skull, they belong to me after all. that will teach you to eavesdrop." at my words he saddened, turning his gaze away from me.

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A Squeak in Time - Chapter 04 - Crash and Burn

The cheetah's eyes wandered to his bathroom door, eyes resting on the black collar that was pinned beside his depraved silhouettes of the other mice that had met unfortunate ends with frosty.

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Tender Hooves

He tossed max the black collar he had been wearing. "tell that show-offy asshole to fuck off, compliments of prince o'dare. and i expect that collar back on monday by the way. i has my name on it."

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Omnipocalypse: Reign of Rats, Chapter 1

Nor did they notice the black collar forming around their neck, a rat-shaped crystalline charm (glowing green of course) dangling from it by the tail. | house konker's daughters of fellstar conduct collar online...

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Payment Upon Delivery

Then the driver's seat opened and the purple scaled dragon known as hal stretched his impressive muscles, covered only by the black collar, cuffs, and loincloth he wore as he started to walk.

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