Life is Always Changing,

They were always the same; i would be chased by some hellish demons, saved at the last moment by one of the three, before having my throat torn out by them. sometimes it was reg, other times it was elsa, but in most it was always jim.

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Well there's always the park

"well there's always the park..." as he slowly cruised across town, just making the stop light in the town square. he drove by the high school and down to that park just by the river.

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The Rat Always Wins

I tried to struggle, but in a battle between the weight of a 550-pound rat and the strength of a 350-pound skunk, well, the rat always wins.

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For You...Anything, Always

If it ever came between beth and someone else, i would always choose her. always. i would do anything for her, and that is why i was at this table in this coffee shop.

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Always Here For You

What made matters worse was that ryan was on the television for live recordings of gigs and his music was always on the radio and he was all anyone ever talked about at the high school. he had to share ryan with billions of fans.

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Always Be There Chapter 5

#5 of always be there today's episode includes biotic shouting match, flirting krogan, and enraged turrians. enjoy.

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Always Be There Chapter 4

But this was also their only remaining day before they returned to what they always did. fight the good fight, with her standing at the helm of it all.

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Always Part 1

The night winds blew through my antlers and sent tingles down my spine. I stood there in the frigid tundra, my tail occasionally twitching as I looked up at the stars across the sky. From above, I felt as though they were looking back down at me,...

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Always Be There Chapter 3

Joker said you were trying to work the stick out of his ass, whatever that means, and kelly would always get this dreamy look on her face.

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Always Be There Chapter 2

#2 of always be there so, here is the second part. and as i promised... reaper melting human/turian lovin' to follow. i made this a bit.. different from what most people depict things as. just read, and you will see what i mean.

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Always Be There Chapter 1

Which was not difficult for a man who always wore armor and survived a missile strike to the face. it took nothing from the turian, in the end.

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