Excerpt from Chapter 2 of Guardian Angel

Slowly I glanced behind us as Luna crouched down growling. I saw what was left of a stop sign and picked it up getting ready for the worst. Suddenly a beast with nine limbs burst out of the bushes. It stood about ten feet tall, had eight, claw like...

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Guardian AngelChapter 1: The end, and the beginning.

It all started ten years after Genetech released their serum that would supposedly cure all diseases. My dad was a researcher for Genetech and my mother was a medical examiner at the local hospital, so we got first dibs on the vaccine, as did most of...

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Mist and Memories

People's lives are made up of Mist and Memories. For, that is all anyone ever truly sees. We spend our lives walking through the mist. Never seeking to see what lies beyond our outstretched wrist. We spend our time looking at the memories we've...

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Chapter 1: The Fallen Angel Project Aka The Angel of Chaos.

My name is Jason Roland, and my life has just gone to hell. It's a weird thing to say, Right? Sadly it's true. I guess I should start back at the beginning where things were at least somewhat normal. I can't say completely normal, because my life, and...

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The Gates of Heaven and Hell Prologue: The Afterlife Projects

The Gates of Heaven and Hell Prologue: The Afterlife Projects Robert Daniels sat down at the computer terminal and uploaded the data into his personal terminal silently hoping no one took notice of what he was doing, or the fact that he had yet again...

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Tournament of Demaria Island Prologue: A challenge to the fourteen Clans

Legalities: This story is and some characters are copyrighted to me Jake Shadow Wolf. Other characters are copyright to their respective owners, who will be made known as they appear. With that said this is an adult story so if your underage turn back....

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Chapter 2: A new awakening in a new world

I don't know how long I was out, but eventually my mind started to wander out of the morass of blackness that was unconsciousness and into the light of consciousness. I stopped at the edge of consciousness and looked around, realizing that my...

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A journey through the darkness and the light, a step beyond the worlds we know and into the worlds we imagine the true tale of Jake Wolf

Prologue: Laurent's arrival My name is Jake. Not original, I know, but it's what I named myself by shortening my true name of Jacob which was given to me by my parents. You might be wondering what makes me so special, and I can honestly say, not a...

Chapter 3: Joining the war of Chenari and starting to learn control

When I next woke up it was around dawn and there was a glass of water next to me. I reached over and grabbed it then tossed it down as I thought about my dreams of arguing with Blood again. I shook my head and slowly slipped out of the bed then looked...

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A Return To When We All Lived In The Forest Interlude: Character sheet and Recap.

Legalities: The basic area of the story so far is based off of Flexible Survival by Nuku Valente. If you want to understand more check out the game. The story line is of my own devising, the characters are of my devising, belong to their creators, and...

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A Return To When We All Lived In The Forest Chapter 5: Mad scientists, and Magic, What’s next?

Legalities: Refer to my other stories for all my personal copyrights. However the characters Vex, Hena, Rylee aka Wolfbane, James Tillston, Kyroo, LJ aka Lost Josh, Cody, and anyone I may have missed are copyrighted to their owners. Their owners will...

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Partners of Light and Dark Scattered Throughout Time and Space Chapter 1: Journeying into the shadows, to find the light.

Legalities: First off I don't own digimon, nor do I own anything trademarked to them. I do however own all characters seen throughout this text that are not stated otherwise. Second this story contains explicit material, so turn back if you're...

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