
basil is a mouse of simple and specific habits. sometimes, these habits can be quite dangerous in their simplicity. throwback to that time i wrote great mouse detective fic about basil's crippling drug addiction.

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Memento Mori -- Epilogue

I'd have preferred basil or maximillian take the lead, but basil persuaded me to take the role. we move in a few days and hopefully we'll figure things out and bring snow back from the bad guys. hopefully.

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Gardevoir Motherhood. Chapter 1: Final Straw.

There's not been a choice i've made on basil's upbringing that you've not ignored!_" to this simon blinked. "i-" "_you're our master._" basil said.

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Lizard in a Land of Furs (part 1)

This notion was quickly expunged and basil was made aware of his endangered breed status. basil stands at a respectable 6'3'' with a piddling weight of 140 pounds.

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Chapter I: Rifts Inside of Us, Part One

basil turned towards the other primetrooper and put his sword back onto its sheath. the primetrooper shook as he was approached by basil. basil quickly ran forward, seemingly speeding through the same before the solider could react.

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Dancing with Unicorns (Citadel Truths - Eps 1)

He listens to basil as he talks, and glances occasionally at basil's face. finally, as basil looks to edward, edward looks directly at basil again, blinking. "are you really basil? the basil i met a few days ago?" "of course.

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Redwall: A Night Adventure - Part 2

"because we didn't anybody finding out what we were doing, basil! you know how creatures feel about males being with males!" basil's attitude quickly changed. "ha! don't i!

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Fertile Soil Detour

basil looked so frightened now. mike licked the flare absently, making basil shudder in pleasure.

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Guro Challenge #4: Piercings/Body Modification

basil picked up the knife again. cheek covered his eyes and heard wet sounds along with basil's breath and the occasional drip of blood on the table. "you can look now." cheek peeked through his claws.

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Hypnovember Day 27 - Reversal

"don't fret," basil tutted. "your life's not over yet.

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 4 | Alister

"basil...does alister look this good." "shawn!" basil growls. how dare he talk to basil like that, she was his mate not his.

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