A New Dawn - Chapter 6 (All Work and No Play)

Cody and i locked muzzles again in a slow, breathless kiss, my scales and his fur soaked in sweat and cum from our rigorous session "that was amazing!" cody said breathlessly. his statement made me happy, i had managed to show him what i felt for him.

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Taste of Fire: A Lovers Spark

She replied, breathless. her whole body was reacting to his special attention. "i want to." she reaffirmed. "as do i." he said simply. he resumed the kiss with tenderness. as they kissed, qagans paws caressed her warm body.

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The rich stench is wonderful and she can't help but stare breathlessly at his still slightly-dripping cock as he rubs it clean against her mouth and nostrils, deliberately pushing up against those big sharp teeth she can't even move.

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Chapter 11: Do Not Touch

"i love you, yanaba," pati said abruptly, breathlessly. yanaba's eyes flew wide and her lashes fluttered at him in shock. maka rubbed his neck, suddenly very uncomfortable.

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A shameful secret 3

Rory moaned breathlessly, as those sleek young hip's bucked harder and harder driving that slender cock deep inside. "yes...yes...yes...yes!"

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Chapter 71 The Second Light

She smoothed it gently between her finger and thumb, back and forth, slowly, lovingly, until azrian was kissing her breathlessly, until her breasts were heaving.

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Chapter 34: Suck It and Smile

Yuri cried out, reaching her arms above her head in an attempt to wriggle away, but he clutched her leg to his shoulder and humped her with eager, breathless cries.

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What Was Broken [8]

Nothing held back, everything given, sean laid a kiss on oda that would've left taws breathless. "holy damn," oda choked breathlessly some minutes later as his wits returned.

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Getting Her Motor Running

He began with a breathless croak, cock still throbbing, the vast majority of his body still lying prone and exposed with the covers now only folded over his legs from the knee down.

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Wet Dreams Can Come True

He winced and i gave a near breathless apology. my heart skipped a beat as my arms encircled him, passing the bandage from one hand to another, and it was all i could do to stop myself embracing him.

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