The Fox and the Berries and the Mushrooms

He'd eaten a quite stomach-ruining berry once when he was younger and was put out for a week, so he distrusted them somewhat.

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Chapter 2: Between Lion and Deer

Mufasa attempts to reassure his guest to no avail "but i do understand your distrust towards my kind." "spare me your pity." louis harshly responded as zazu began pouring the tea he made earlier into louis's cup.

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 01

But i swallowed my own distrust and shook it. "we'll see what the future brings." i watched them leave. once the door closed, i put my hand on the table and let out a breath. there. that was done.

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Tails of the Stars 1 - An Anomaly of Some Scale

Much as james distrusted most authority, he felt a good vibe from this fox somehow that gave him a feeling of trust. young, spirited, hopeful. not old, tired and disillusioned of the world like usual figures he knew.

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Let it Be, Ch 5

All of cory's lover's distrust was evident in the way he said the alchmist's name with a sneer. "heinyr..." rather than linger any further on the distrust, ackert patted them each on the shoulder. "come on... time to move."

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A Lead Crown Contribution: The Evil is Real

It stood to reason that a heavily guarded arms dealer would be distrusting and cautious, yet nicole still cursed her poor luck internally. still, she dare not show any weakness, nor fear.

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The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 18

For a long time, i merely look at it, feeling a mixture of confusion and distrust on my own part. but, i don't get the distrustful vibe in my stomach like i did with the cat.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 9

He was a strong, strict and fair leader but also leery of practically anything outside the village, he was especially distrustful of dragons.

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Excerpt #2 from Raising Above The Bar Chapter 2

It didn't look like the home of an evil bastard who beat the fuck out of anyone who crossed him when he was drunk, was distrusting, and abused his family. then again, most places like that don't exactly have signs advertising the fact.

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Unexpected shower

Shira, having no reason to distrust hir larger companion, did so and blinked in surprise. the larger dragon's jet-black shaft was hanging half-hard from its sheath, pointed right at the smaller drake.

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//?A Curious Sergal: Part 12.001

Ava would have thought it was beautiful had he not distrusted stars so much. he remembered his mother telling him about them. {'do you see them my little ava?' 'queep?' the small chick peeped as he rustled in his mother's wings.

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Chapter 14: Dinner Date

Chapter 14: Dinner Date "Well done, group ten," Dr. Serrano intoned warmly. He turned his head toward the wider room. "Thank you all for your hard work, class. Monday, we'll have lecture again as usual. I hope you've all enjoyed presenting and...

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