Civic Duties - Part 3

My mom keeps telling me the whole fucking city's either going to explode or the aquatic side's going to keep going to shit if this election goes the wrong way.

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The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Religion & Spirituality (Appendix Sample 3)

Such heroes and heroines are referred to as being of the elect in homage to the first elect, the four who led fidonhaal on the crusade against raakaru.

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Campaign Contributions

Without the election to worry about, hannah finally couldn't hold back anymore, and gave in to her feelings for the white-black-and-tan hunting dog.

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Difficult Times

And then the new government was elected to power and suddenly, everything was stripped away. we should have known better. why our people would elect such monsters into positions of power is still a mystery. and that brings us to where i'm now.


A Nightfury's Best Friend Part 2

When vector a minute later gave a small nod to him, shadow adjusted his stance on the bed, he bit back down on his neck tight and secure, as he slowly begins to pull out, electing a moan from vector who clenches down around his cock tightly, electing a moan

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My Patience is Gone

#6 of poems what a wonderful world i get the privilege of living in how could i possibly complain i'm the pride and joy the world, i'm an american shamelessly watching my freedoms flushed down the drain i voted for obama in the last election


Dungeons & Adders CH11

Kassa pissed himself in terror at the hare's threat, electing laughter from the assembled goodbeasts. "probably won't be the first cock he's eaten, ha ha!"

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He was 'hungrier' than usual that morning, as he just slammed his own face against leroy's crotch, forcing the entire thing right into his throat, electing a small bark from him, then started bobbing his head back and forth on it, sucking hard and electing

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Escaping the Storm: Part 10

"_it's still early on election day, but already the vpu have won in a party-record number of districts around the country; the eastern regions in particular.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.4b, A Dozen 'Tails' Told

This is the half of the old group b that elected to save the sisters divine... well, here they are attempting to get into the church's dungeon and it looks like they have their work cut out for them.

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Chapter 5: Intrigue

"how are you going to do that if judith wins the election?" she queried curiously. the puma narrowed his golden eyes, "there isn't going to be an election," he growled softly.

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Hot and Steamy

This electing a deep groan from jamal and a hard exhale through his nose. "fffuuuuccckkk... i really need this every morning."

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