Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 5 - Chapter 1

Not worth to exist in the world that's against me; my mom and dad got divorced and right after my mom died. my dad got depressed as well and had as me had suicidal thoughts.

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Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 5 - Chapter 2

I had wondered many times if i was going to be able to gather so many important and life confirming friends as she did throughout her life as a way to see if my existence meant something to everybody, that my being mattered for someone or somebody.

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After School Super Hero Club: Chapter One - Superheroes Do Exist

There was no way that superheroes exist, but there was no denying what he just saw. "so you're a--" "yep. i'm a superhero. a telepath to be exact." tori revealed.

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Mortality Chapter 9

_"we exist! we exist! we exist!"_ jason beamed. there was hope... ... and there was something in this world living for. he existed... and as long as he existed... there was hope.

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\>"it's okay," she murmurs, "i have not existed before. i used to never exist, and when i am not running i do not exist.

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This poem has the properties existence would have if death had not existed if time arrived and didn't pass like a liquid, it would occupy all every difference would exist and carry on as truth all opposites collapse and every exception become the rule

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History of Valora: Races, Part 2

An intricate and diverse race, the dragons have seen shaky relations with all of the races existent on terra, even each other.

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Jumpin' Into The Deep End

I have been to the farthest reaches of the universe and have existed as long as existence. time is my age, nature is my policy, and life is my philosophy. for life is what i am, among matter, particles, and atoms.

The Awareness of Nothing

It consciously exists in the individual who has no fear of death -- he or she has accepted impermanence, understood the involuntary origin and destination of life and got rid of all doubt the more we are aware the more we are free to act upon ourselves and

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Search For His Happiness Chapter 3

But in choosing such he would have to sacrifice his existance for everyone to be happy. such as he usually did anyways. but to cease to exist would be something he did not want to do. as much as he hated his life, he did not want to cease to exist.

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Schools And Types of Magic In Maldora

All spells that focus on destroying or removing something from existence are of this type.

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The Beginning of Vessel and Many Other Worlds

There was no time to tell how long it existed and no space for it to exist, it was truly nothing. until the moment that two gods broke that nothingness, by merely existing. these gods were astra and gohma.

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