Brotherly Love - Sticky Paws - Chapter Three

Grasping the soap bar, he began lathering himself up, starting with his arms, paws and moving on to his chest, belly and groin.

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Through the Peephole

He sniffed his taint and cock as well before slamming his entire face into his groin, collecting all the musk emanating around his groin.

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Femme (Fox) Fetale

His fingers played over a series of small, protruding bumps, a sensual feeling shooting down his belly and towards his groin. they almost felt like...nipples? despite himself, travis could feel his groin leaking its juices from the sensations.

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Breeding Ritual (2020)

The german shepherd said as he felt his cock being milked by the groin muscles around the pussy walls.

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Savannah Blues part 12

The warm muzzle in his own groin, that licked and nuzzled and pushed even more into him made him groan. his voice and breath washing over the groin in front of him making the fox do the same.

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A Gooey Thanksgiving

The attempts to pull himself free failed as the groin held firmly on his head and galileo grabbed his paws. "i'm not letting you go free dear wahsune."

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Curiosity Shrunk The Cat (Story Commission)

Fortunately, isaac, despite not knowing it, was far enough from this groin area of the canine to witness this.

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Caught Between

Instead the titan rose up and scooted backwards over his counterpart till the towering spire rising above the fuzzy groin sat between his legs.

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Learning to love. The Shadow Hounds Rise

That couldn't be right, she couldn't be. she would have felt it rising in her groin, but instead, it just showed up. she was confused at this. so instead of bothering herself with the thought, she snapped out of her thoughts for the time and tried

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A good end to a bad movie

She only straddled him like that for a few moments though, rutting her tits and groin against him as she kissed him deeply, longingly.

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Clyx - Chapter 17 - MacroHazard Part II

Rael's breasts split apart as nika came back out - with rael's groin close behind. rael's groin was as big as her butt and with the large club hanging from it, had a crease down the front like the crack in her butt as well.

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Tailoring Desire

His groin swelled again as his spread his thighs open. a second cock, equal to the first in texture as size, pressed outwards from his drooling slit.

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