Making a friend: Ch 1 Beginnings

He nodded then leaned down to smell different things, he took different fruits and some bits of honeydew and pineapple. he took only a small bit of scrambled eggs but a larger portion of bacon, ham and sausages.

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"The Gift": A Primer on Spirits

_a honeydew? bleh. nowhere near as good as watermelon or yubari king... mm... i could really go for some yubari king..._ focus, kon. you're explaining **accords** , **bargains** , **pacts** , and **duty**. _right!

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Amplifier Saga--Chapter 3

The dragoness tastes a bit like a honeydew melon with a hint of ginger. kalliel likes the tangy smell of kurswain's arousal. it has been a long time since the last time shi made a dragoness cum.

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The Neo's Alpha Project part 1

Slowly my tongue collected the gathered honeydew from her vulva, she shudders with each soft lick of my tongue. the taste of her honey is like liquid ecstasy on my tongue, my erection grows sliding from my sheath.

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Virility Plague 3

Cole's balls groaned and bucked once again as they swelled to the size of honeydew melons. cole's sensitive nose flared as he realized he could smell his own musk. he felt his need to fuck start to mount. he started to daydream about his wolf mate jack.

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A Fox Behind Bars part 19

I poked my fork into a cube of honeydew melon just as jake spoke. "does it say who the hedgehog is?" he asked quietly. i chided myself for being selfish. not a good start to smoothing things over with my... coworker.

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It was like a cluster of honeydew melons now and still growing!

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Yoshi Tails: Pixels My Ass!

It tasted like a cross between a cantaloupe and a honeydew, but it was sweeter. "_mmmmmmm... no wonder yoshis love these things!_" she thought as she ate the fruit. she couldn't see how this could get much better.

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New Home

She looked at the price, and it said that it came with a half loaf of fresh bread and a slice of honeydew melon, all for 1 dollar. she walked up to the person at the counter and asked, "it that all really one dollar?"

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The Simpsons: Diary of a Centuar Ch. 2

Lisa mumbled as he stood up on the bed, standing at his full 6'10'' height, his cock hidden in his sheathe, his large honeydew melon sized balls covered with fur while his arms, lower legs and back were covered with the same orange-red fur that he kept groomed

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The Last Hours

Rick cleared his throat, "why can't a watermelon and a honeydew ever get together?"

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